Thanks Terri.
When I write, that's just the way it comes out. I've been lucky so far, people seem to like it.
Here's the thing for you to remember.
I used to write, for newsletter, on the net, and journalled like crazy until I got sick. Stuck with it while sick and shouldn't have but I didn't want to lose that part of my life.
Quit writing like 8 yrs ago (I may give different numbers on different posts on this forum, I have cfs numbers dyslexia now though not as bad as it was). Couldn't even read for I don't know a year or so. Took up knitting again to have something to do and not go nuts.
Started emailing my naturopath weekly updates 2 and a half yrs ago. They all said something short and useless like "I feel like low-grade crap." These emails would exhaust me and send me to bed vibrating.
Over months I wrote longer emails. She encouraged me to think of her as a "Journal that responds". I spilled my guts several times a week. (And yes they were long emails and after awhile ... I quit apologizing.

Last fall she asked me to write a half-page piece about my treatment, for a flyer she was going to be sending out in the local papers for her business. It was the first "article" I'd written in all those years after the Big Crash.
It has gotten shelved a few times, they haven't set out the flyer YET

but I figure it was good practice for me.
This April I got back online and started looking for freelance work. Also started my website Ncubator and then my blog. There is detail in some other threads in Finance and Work I think, on that. I can now write (emails, articles, forums) for hours a day and be alright.
This happened for me. Perhaps it will happen for you. You may be able to regain what is lost. Just take your time. Pace yourself. Only do what you can do -- rather, do half of what you can do and let the saved energy go to healing. It will.
Listen to your body for now. Respect it when it tells you to lie down and let the world go its own way for now.