(UK) The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) Spring Meeeting 2010
(Only top two relevant)
(Only top two relevant)
Paediatric Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Special Interest Group
Ethics and Law Forum
1230-1330 Business Meeting for CFS/ME SIG (with lunch)
1330-1430 Workshop: How to do successful research in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME)
Dr Esther Crawley, Dr Vic Larcher and Anna Gregorowski
1430-1445 Paediatric Doctors adherence to GMC guidance on confidentiality ID428
Miss Ceri Jones
1445 1500 Ethical considerations in the use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine for children with autism ID186
Dr Hilary Marcer
1500 1515 Ethical dilemmas in Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
Can you tell the difference between milk samples? ID269
Dr Caroline Thurlow
1515-1615 Sharing information - data protection and other controversies
Zuzana Deans