...If you don't mind me asking; how is your head Now? Any lasting benefits?
leaves, the "memory-resurfacing" that I experienced during my Klonopin taper seemed to be a withdrawal symptom. As I reduced my dose, the symptom flared, then finally abated after my body had adjusted to being off the drug. It followed a similar course to the other withdrawal symptoms I experienced, many of them listed in
The Ashton Manual. Dr. Ashton discusses how the brain gets damped down by benzos, then rebounds as benzos are withdrawn.
I continue to have some memory-resurfacing, esp. as I fall asleep. I'm still on portions of the Yasko protocol, including all the supplements in Rich's simplified treatment, and I suspect the phenomenom is related to those supplements. I also tend to get it after taking activated charcoal, part of Yasko's treatment. (Note: be sure to take charcoal on an empty stomach, at least one hour before or two hours after food/meds/supplements.)
Overall I would say my brain functions better as a result of these treatments, including going off Klonopin. A greater problem for me than poor memory is reduced cognitive stamina.
Good luck with the niacin and other Bs!