Niacin giving me old memories back


Senior Member
This is very weird; I'm taking high dose niacin ( together with someother b's) and hrs giving me very old memories back; I see back experiences from long ago, very intense. I like it a lot because normally my heads all fuZzy and I don't really have a memory.
Anyone any ideas how come?

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I don't know why you are experiencing this, but I know with Niacin, I had all kinds of mood swings, flushing, having to go to the bathroom with loose stools. It did a number on me...and my brain!


Senior Member
Hmm interesting that.
At the moment I'm quite enjoying myself on memory Lane :)


Apple, anyone?
Northeastern US
This is very weird; I'm taking high dose niacin ( together with someother b's) and hrs giving me very old memories back; I see back experiences from long ago, very intense. I like it a lot because normally my heads all fuZzy and I don't really have a memory.
Anyone any ideas how come?

leaves, I've had that exact same experience while on heavy metal chelators--DMSA and portions of the Yasko protocol--and while tapering off Klonopin. For me, the memories would return as I was falling asleep. I would vividly recall details of scenes that took place ten or twenty years ago, or more. Once I remembered the name and face of my friend's roommate, whom I met for a few hours in 1992. Bizarre.

At the time I figured this was because my neurons were healing. Maybe the niacin is rebuilding your brain somehow. Are you taking B12 as one of the Bs? Perhaps it's kick-starting the methylation cycle, a means of moving metals/toxins out of your brain, according to some. :Retro smile:


Senior Member
That is so fascinating!! It feels good actually, like some of my brain cells had a clean up :)

Heheh gives the concept of brainwsh a new interpretation :)
I remember a similar experience with clorella but that tapered off.
If you don't mind me asking; how is your head Now? Any lasting benefits?

I also take hydro b12 and I take about 4 jarrow b right daily.


Senior Member
I'm suppose to start taking Niacin soon and my nutritionist advised me to start with very small quantities because it can give strong reactions. I'm fearing it a bit...


Apple, anyone?
Northeastern US
...If you don't mind me asking; how is your head Now? Any lasting benefits?

leaves, the "memory-resurfacing" that I experienced during my Klonopin taper seemed to be a withdrawal symptom. As I reduced my dose, the symptom flared, then finally abated after my body had adjusted to being off the drug. It followed a similar course to the other withdrawal symptoms I experienced, many of them listed in The Ashton Manual. Dr. Ashton discusses how the brain gets damped down by benzos, then rebounds as benzos are withdrawn.

I continue to have some memory-resurfacing, esp. as I fall asleep. I'm still on portions of the Yasko protocol, including all the supplements in Rich's simplified treatment, and I suspect the phenomenom is related to those supplements. I also tend to get it after taking activated charcoal, part of Yasko's treatment. (Note: be sure to take charcoal on an empty stomach, at least one hour before or two hours after food/meds/supplements.)

Overall I would say my brain functions better as a result of these treatments, including going off Klonopin. A greater problem for me than poor memory is reduced cognitive stamina.

Good luck with the niacin and other Bs!