Niacin experts — help a sister out!


Senior Member
Need some help keeping the strong benefits I get from Niacin going. A few details:

— Main symptoms are intense dizziness 24/7, a skin / brain burning sensation all over my body and brain, fatigue, lightheadedness, cognitive difficulties and severe anxiety and depression (pacing the house, akathesia type anxiety and wailing for hours on end level depression)

— of ALL the treatments I have tried, and there have been many, one of the only one that gives me relief, and does so fast, is Niacinamide. Maybe 5 or 6 times over the last 10 years I have tried it and my symtpms will go down 50-70 percent for 3-4 days, but then it stops being effective.

— After not trying it for a year or more I tried 500 mg of Niacinamide this morning and bam, there’s some definite relief

— I don’t get any relief (but do take), NADH, NAD+ and NMNs (orally). NAD injections make me feel horrendous.

PLEASE help me figure out what might be going on with the Niacinamide and how I might keep it working. I have tests results out the wazoo (genetics, OAT, NUtraEval, various serum labs (which do show a copper and an iodine deficiency, as well as needing periodic iron infusions) so ask away for any relevant info!

I read some reviews and subreddits online of folks using up to 3 grams / day and basically curing their anxiety and depression.

Right now I am on a multi-b (with methyl b12), extra methylB12, whole food vit C, magnesium, COq10, MitoQ, Carnitine, ALCAR, Allithiamine, selenium, R5P, Huperzine A and Taurine. I also take a baby dose of Klonopin.

I am ready to science the crap out of this, as my docs are rapidly considering putting me back on gabapentin and an SSRI. If I can get at this through minerals / vitamins.....👍🏻🤗👍🏻🤗


Senior Member
I read some reviews and subreddits online of folks using up to 3 grams / day and basically curing their anxiety and depression.

Can't help much here, but one thing I'll say is that reading about supps that have helped people without CFS probably isn't relevant to people with. We're actually a different species.

Are you perhaps overmethylating? I have read that some people in the know believe this to never happen unless supplementing with methyl groups, but who knows...

Also, if you go onto the covidlonghaulers subreddit, a lot of them are taking niacin based off some article that had circulated. Long covid and CFS are pretty much the same thing (you may be downvoted for repeating that there, though), but I've read a few good reports.

Sorry I can't be of much help.


Senior Member
This video talks about using nicotinic acid for long covid. Quite a few of the comments describe a positve benefit unique to the flushing form of niacin.



Senior Member
Here is the link for an article on a supplement stack for long covid and MCAS which features nicotinic acid (the flushing form of niacin). At variance with the more prevalent view, it is suggested in the article that nicotinic acid is superior to the other forms of niacin such as NR and NMN.
Thank you for this and thank you for the videos! Interesting research going on and this really helps me understand the pathways at work.

Yes re NR and NMN, what’s interesting is that I don’t get any effect from NR, NMN, NAD, NADH but I DO from Niacin (or Niacinamide). Now, I am 2 years off an SNRI after 12 years of use, so I may be really lacking in serotonin (downregulated receptors) maybe what’s happening is the Niacin is shunting down the serotonin pathway vs when I take NAD, it bypasses that straight to the ATP / Mito pathway. 🤔. Maybe my body is telling me I need serotonin vs ATP. 🤔


Senior Member


Senior Member
Honk! Honk!

I remember when looking at this awhile ago that I thought I was an overmethylator but I can’t remember what tests / measurements tell you whether you are over or under methylating. I will read the link ... thank you!

Undermethylated persons have low brain serotonin. Over-methylated people have high brain serotonin. Here is a list of symptoms, and a test: