I've written a new article for empowher.com called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And My Love Affair With Acupuncture
Boule de feu,
I'm really sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience.
The expertise of the acupuncturist can make a big difference. Perhaps a different practitioner at a later time might be worth considering? I know this bad first experience could put you off it entirely and that would be completely understandable.
What a disappointment that must have been!
I'm pretty sure it had something to do with the practitioner who performed it.
Today, the pain is not as strong as yesterday but the acupuncture did not help my neck.
And, I was looking forward to trying this... I definitely went in there with an opened mind.
I'm glad to see that I'm unique and this is not the way it goes usually.
Thank you for your article. I will definitely try it again... with someone else.
Keep writing. I enjoy everything you do.