new article"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Three Years into Recovery With Dr. Upcott"


Senior Member
It hurts my heart that you are so sick, Dreambirdie.

But I'm hoping for your full recovery over time.


Senior Member
I'm so happy you're feeling better Jody..

Thanks alice1.

If it can happen for me, I'm hoping it will also happen for you.

I was awfully close to a full basket case for a very long time. Months on end -- maybe years -- when I couldn't function, couldn't stand up long, couldn't think at all. Couldn't get the damn' buzz to stop in my arms and hands and head ....

I only talk about it now because the people going through this type of thing now, and are afraid that when it's this bad it's not even possible to recover ... I can't issue any guarantees, but I can be a reason to maybe hope, that no matter how bad it is now maybe it can all be healed, or enough at least to be able to have a life, eh?

I'm still not all the way there. Not by a long shot. My life is still in my bed, but more of it is at my desk typing now (impossible 3 yrs ago). I don't go out. But this is pretty good anyway.

If I was the one reading the article while still swaddled in my housecoat all day every day, unable to be out of bed for an hour at a time ... I'd be torn between feeling hope and feeling awful. and pissed. Really pissed. I hope everybody who reads it can go with the hope ... and not feel too pissed.:rolleyes:


Senior Member
Jody, I'm also happy to hear about your continuing progress, and I think you did such a good job of painting pictures of your life before and after treatment. This is what gets most people's attention and interest. I'm also feeling good about the progress I'm making (on Freddd's B12/methylation protocol), so reading it didn't make me pissed! And to tell the truth, until recently, I didn't have the energy to be angry, so if I'd read it sicker I still wouldn't have been pissed. I couldn't have been.

I'm nowhere near all the way there, either, but at least I have the energy to be pissed...and usually I'm choosing to use that energy in ways that do better things for me than being pissed off. Anger can be motivating, but I find it is often a closed loop that drains my already-drained energy. That includes anger at myself.

Good article, and I think also a good article for introducing people to what CFS does to a person's life.