I've written a new article for empowher.com called Ten Ways I Prevent Chronic Fatigue Syndrome From Stealing My Mental Health
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January is the highest month for suicides, the last half is particularly high. There are a bunch of reasons for this, I forget them though.
This is a very nice piece and well timed to remind all of us to keep the faith and that it is o.k. to let go and just be sick.
4 paws up Jody.
It will make a nice section in your book (grins)
I wouldn't be surprised.
Two summers ago, we had a lot of dramatic barometric shifts, sometimes a couple times a day. I was like a rag doll on a roller coaster. I was a good little barometric guage for awhile there.
All kinds of symptoms would flare up for me, everything from head fog to body stone to shortness of breath, an assortment of OI symptoms ...
The winter also seems to be a fertile time for this type of stuff too. I am more likely to be short of breath this time of year.
Well, I'll be jiggered the things you learn here. Yeah, I went out to pet my neighbors dog, cause when he sees me he lays down and goes belly up, so I go out to give him a rub and I'm breathing like I've just finished a marathon. The neighbor is looking at me funny, "you O.K.?" she asks. "Of course", I say. "I'm fine." What else can you say. I'm as good as I get. (grins)