Neurological Health Formula - they changed it to capsules


A New Day, Every Day!
Mid Atlantic area, USA
I had been taking the Neurological Health Formula (from Holistic Health) according to RichV's protocal (which essentially cured me). I wanted to restart the Neurological Health Formula and I see that they have discontinued it and provide another in its place. This one is in capsules, so I can't break it. Has anyone found another supplement similar to this--in caps form? Frustrating! Thanks--


A New Day, Every Day!
Mid Atlantic area, USA
Thank you. I went back and read Dr. Yasko's statement on Holistic Health (which I had not seen before). It seems she has been working on this "All in one" formula for a few years and it contains the B12 and folates in addition to other support vitamins and minerals (NOT iron, copper, etc.). So this may be better in the long run for those of us who have pretty much had success with RichV's protocol. It is very difficult to follow the protocol to the letter, every day, so I appreciate an effort to simplify into one supplement. I'll post in a few months to say how it's going. Fingers crossed!!!


A New Day, Every Day!
Mid Atlantic area, USA
I must say, I received the supplement and the doses are extremely low. I'm starting with one in the AM. I should also continue some B12 and Methly. drops. I don't now if it's my imagination, but I did feel a boost of energy during the morning, so some of the ingredients (perhaps some herbs, etc.) are having an effect. I will watch this as a build-up (in my system) can sometimes get to the point of almost an anxious state--which is not my style! Thanks, folks, I do enjoy the support at this site. Again, I miss RichV very much...but we carry on! Have a wonderful and healthful weekend!