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Naviaux: Metabolic features and regulation of the healing cycle-A new model for chronic disease


Senior Member
Looks like an update/rehash of his Cell Danger Response theory thinking....

I have not finished reading this, but there is a short mention of ME/CFS that includes this quote:

Although not yet tested in a clinical trial in patients with ME/CFS, the ATP and UTP leak might be stopped by blocking the efflux of nucleotides through the pannexin/P2X7 channel with an antipurinergic drug, thereby unblocking the healing cycle (Figure 1) and permitting recovery to begin. This is similar to a strategy recently tested in a clinical trial in autism spectrum disorder (Naviaux et al., 2017) and illustrated in a whiteboard animation available at:



I found it available on Sci-hub.


Naviaux is definitely more of a hedgehog than a fox. He has one big idea and he is pursuing it relentlessly.

I'm pleased he's onto this as it is a small chance of revolutionising all of chronic disease.

I'm even more pleased that we have the distinctly foxy Ron Davis evaluating his contributions to ME/CFS alongside the work of many others.


Senior Member
I wouldn’t say he’s a quack by any means. He just unleashed a new way of thinking in Autism and CFS. He himself doesn’t believe this is a cure nor is he making money off this.
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Senior Member
Southern California
He has a way of writing/speaking that seems to try and generate a disproportionate amount of 'buzz' as compared to the actual data that backs up his claims. I still think he is thinking in the right way though, and that metabolomics is a frontier in medical research which will yield a lot of advances in treatment for disease.
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Senior Member
I understand. Actually you can hear Dr. R Davis speak about it in his Skype interview on the OMF youtube channel. The video is an hour long but they talk about it around the last 15 minutes.


Senior Member
I have a child with autism.

A lot of us parents really have an issue with all the so called "CURES" and explanations out there *sigh*

Please delete my account, all my posts and my blog - thanks.


Senior Member
Southern California
I have a child with autism.

A lot of us parents really have an issue with all the so called "CURES" and explanations out there *sigh*

Please delete my account, all my posts and my blog - thanks.

My sister has developmental disabilities (not autism) but I spent a lot of time growing up being around and volunteering with autistic people. I don't mean any offense when I say this, but clearly there are some people with autism spectrum disorders who would benefit from a 'cure'. There are people who are totally nonverbal, have decreased sensory and motor function, and cannot control it but cause themselves (sometimes serious) physical harm on a daily basis because of their condition. To say that these people are "just fine the way they are" and we just need to accept them for who they are is doing them a disservice by almost any definition of what a fulfilling human life is. For those whose conditions are less severe and debilitating, I can see the argument that they might be content with the peculiarities of their own mind and body but the nice thing about having scientific understanding and treatment is that the choice would be theirs whether they want the treatment.

Since I became sick with CFS/ME I've had a really hard time accepting that I cannot do the things I used to be able to do. And while it would be nice if more people accepted me for who I am instead of some of the skeptical or patronizing reactions I get from people, I would much prefer if I could just be well and ride my mountain bikes again.


Senior Member
Thought I might add one more thought to this thread that is interesting. Since POTS is very similar to CFS (it might even be the same thing) I have met people that have EDS that have POTS.
I started looking into EDS just for general knowledge, come to find out... There could very well be a cure in 2-3 years for what is a genetic condition. Amazing!

So I think Autism is curable in the future if Autism turns out to have a genetic component.