Myra McClure AGAIN ! Must watch interview


Senior Member

I posted this on facebook last night she just cant keep her gob shut can she .WARNING McClure is particularly nauseating in this interview

MUST WATCH VIDEO Moggy McClure again , .well yesterday she said 6 mths and it will all be sorted today she says a year . Why the hell is this woman spouting her bloody mouth off when she previously said this ? and i quote .......
"It's ghastly, " says retrovirologist Myra McClure of Imperial College London, the lead author on one of the three published studies that came up empty-handed. "I've had people writing me, and I quote, that I don't know my arse from my elbow, and that I should be fired." Four months after her first paper on CFS came out, McClure says it was also her last one. "Nothing on God's Earth could persuade me to do more research on CFS, " she says.
Hmm i detect a tad of wessleyism there dont you , hes previously said he isnt having anything more to do with cfs but yet keeps raisng his ugly head .
personally i wouldnt trust either off them as far as I could throw them , which wouldnt be that far seeing as im SICK , probably with a new retrovirus !!!

this is a different video to
Emerging Issues in Infectious Disease #ICAAC, , this is McClure on her own a personal interview , is she trying to become the UK expert on XMRV ? not promising is it from someone who previously said "Nothing on God's Earth could persuade me to do more research on CFS, " :Retro mad:


...if only she'd toddle off & go research something she's competent in & leave us alone...


Senior Member
Myra McClure - "As you say, I was one of the first people not to find the virus but I was very - I was pleased".

Hah.. Don't use this as an actual quote as it's misleading - but she did just manage to say this in a sentence ;)

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
I didn't like the first video, but I must admit that this one is a bit better. She explains a bit more why she believes contamination could be an issue. However, I want to keep an opened mind. I don't want to be disappointed (too stressful!) if it turns out to be the case. So, the best is to wait and see. Hopefully, they will find the cause of CFS and a cure.


Senior Member
if you wait for mc clure and weasly you could wait for another 20 years .
contamination in WPI, CC, NCI, FDA, NIH, hanson's lab, german resp tract study, chinese study which found 4% in healthy people, jap study which also found it in healty people?
and also contamination at Vipdx and Redlabs?
makes 11 contaminated labs :p

although we have to wait, finding nothing doesnt make sense.
all these labs also found at least some % in (healthy) people
so if you test like 100 people and find nothing, you cannot escape with the contamination crap

i hope ruscetti wpi hanson singh alter will do their thing and go on with their research instead of waiting for a year to find out why the cdc didnt find it
i dont care why they didnt

Boule de feu

Senior Member
Ottawa, Canada
i hope ruscetti wpi hanson singh alter will do their thing and go on with their research instead of waiting for a year to find out why the cdc didnt find it
i dont care why they didnt

I'm sure they will get to the bottom of this... and fast. Let's keep our fingers crossed. ;-)

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
This is disappointing. I personally think she makes a good argument for contamination and further research is needed to rule contamination out (Taking a year to do this, though, is ridiculous). I am wondering, once again, if I should put off getting tested for HGRV (XMRV) until they get this figured out. I can't afford to pay out a lot of money for false results.

Was she the same doctor who said that they get a lot of their medical products from China and in China they keep the PCR stored in the same room with the lab mice? I remember vaguely someone saying this. Did they mention at the conference whether the substance that is used to grow the cultured virus could also be contaminated? Sorry, I just watched the videos on the conference 2 or 3 days ago and I have already forgotten much of the info.

Now, after re-listening to the TWIV, I think Ms. McClure is very wrong and it is a case of a doctor who does not want to admit she was wrong.

I listened the TWIV once again. I missed something from the first listen. They are talking about how the original samples were taken in the 90's from certain groups of patients. The reason the paper was withheld was that the NIH/FDA researches wanted to rule out contamination. Thus, they took more blood samples from some of the same group of patients from the 90's and found the exact same virus again in those patients. They also used a variety of different PCR that they tested for contamination first. Those tests were negative. THIS COMPLETELY RULES OUT CONTAMINATION. So I think everything that Myra Mclure is saying is basically not correct.