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My ENT doc recommended Magnesium Glycinate

I told my ENT doc today that I have transient light-headedness and dizziness, but my ears checked out fine (very thankful for this, as I showed some hearing loss last year and never again). She recommended I try magnesium glycinate supplements 400 mg per day.

Like many in this forum I've had a long history of undiagnosed problems, but among the worst are the dizziness and light-headedness. E.g. brain fog, not vertigo. Anyone have luck treating that with magnesium ?
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Senior Member
Yes, I have. I was plagued by it from late August until a few weeks ago.
I was getting dizzy spells, felt like my head was in a box, strange muffled echoing sounds from my own voice, tinnitus (6 beats a second thumping), kept feeling I needed to swallow hard to open the eustachian tube, general light-headedness at times. But my hearing was okay.
That started from hammering clout nails into a gate I was trying to create. Some audio shock involved but it wouldn't go away.

I had let my Mag. glycinate lapse, but re-started it (not a high dose. Just 250mg daily) However I also combined with some homeopathic remedies, and approx. 20mg vitamin B2, so not 100% clear about quite what did what. My instinct felt that the magnesium helped.

I still get the tinnitus which comes and goes, but fortunately I don't hear it when I wear an earplug so can sleep. It might be tensor tympani syndrome. It can be set off by even a small amount of alcohol or caffeine.
But the dizziness has passed,
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Yes, I have. I was plagued by it from late August until a few weeks ago.
I was getting dizzy spells, felt like my head was in a box, strange muffled echoing sounds from my own voice, tinnitus (6 beats a second thumping), kept feeling I needed to swallow hard to open the eustachian tube, general light-headedness at times. But my hearing was okay.
That started from hammering clout nails into a gate I was trying to create. Some audio shock involved but it wouldn't go away.

I had let my Mag. glycinate lapse, but re-started it (not a high dose. Just 250mg daily) However I also combined with some homeopathic remedies, and approx. 20mg vitamin B2, so not 100% clear about quite what did what. My instinct felt that the magnesium helped.

I still get the tinnitus which comes and goes, but fortunately I don't hear it when I wear an earplug so can sleep. It might be tensor tympani syndrome. It can be set off by even a small amount of alcohol or caffeine.
But the dizziness has passed,

thank you Wolfclub. It can be hard to know what exactly helped, especially when we introduce multiple changes or when our symptoms can also come and go on their own with just time, sometimes. Glad you got relief however you got it!


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
@PatientlyWaiting - I think you're very fortunate to have a doctor who recommended magnesium glycinate! Doctors who know anything about nutrition and health are exceedingly rare. Most tend to just hand out drugs for symptoms.

I haven't had your symptoms of lightheadedness and dizziness so can't address that, though I do take 400 mg. magnesium glycinate before bed and 300 mg. more in the middle of the night for sleep, and it helps.

One other thing I've read about helping brain fog is B12. Again I'm fortunate that I haven't had to deal with brain fog, but I've also been taking B12 in different forms for over 20 years. So you might want to do a search for "brain fog" on the forum here. I'm not trying to discourage you from taking magnesium glycinate, but just suggesting something else you might explore as well. Often I think we just have to use ourselves as guinea pigs and after reading and educating ourselves, then give things a try!