Morning Anxiety

Do you know why anxiety strikes me in the morning?
I don't feel particularly anxious after noon unless I'm suffering from PEM but for some reason I feel anxious in the morning around 7 to 10 am

But it's weird because:

If I fall asleep around 1 am and wake up at 8 am then I have morning anxiety

But if I fall asleep at 4 am and wake up at 11 am I don't feel anxious, and still it's the same 7 hours of sleep.

If I fall asleep at 7 am and wake up at 2-3 pm I don't feel anxious

If I stay awake all night and go from 11 am to 1 pm without sleeping, I don't feel anxious

So the weird pattern that causes my morning anxiety is sleeping all night and waking up in the early morning? Why? Is there anything I can do?


Senior Member
I don't have morning anxiety but have shaking, nausea / vomiting, fainting, low BP, weakness, sight problems etc until around 1pm. It's not the quantity of sleep - it's the actual waking time that make a difference for me. If I wake up between 6am and 11am the morning problems are at their worst - regardless of when I went to sleep or the quality of my sleep.

When I had a saliva cortisol test this was when it was lowest. When I have the blood levels taken in hsopital this was when cortisol was at it's lowest. I have a ACTH stimulating test and the increased cortisol stopped these symptoms dead in a short time.

Obviously there will be other things happening as well and I've just not had them tested.


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Hi River, i would say that this could be a cortisol/adrenal issue as suggested by others. i mainly feel more anxious in the mornings also, but also feel muh better after a proper meal. It could also be blood sugar related. Mine has improved as my general health has improved. Have you had cortisol saliva tests done?


Senior Member
Yes, I have the same thing since 2 months back. It's getting beter but I've started B-vitamins with folic acid and upped my antidepressants (Zoloft) a bit so.. I hope to get rid of it completely. I can highly recomend B-vitamins btw. Also, I don't think it's a psycological thing at ALL but that it's adrenals in our system, because I feel calm but still this anxiety, heartpalpitations for no reason, so it's DEFINITELY bodywise and not mental.