It's not clear who does the tests you linked
@Learner1 in the UK. The other issue I have is I've rang almost all phlebotomy services and the only one is a 50 min drive from me. After that it's a case of spending £250 getting a nurse to come to your house to take the bloods in your home. Best option by far but so very expensive. If that is your getting a large £500 viral panel done. Otherwise for ebv alone it's expensive but less so.
Even so the cost is prohibitive. As for the second link that seems to be an acute mono test which I had in hospital last month and was positive. It's a shame the nhs won't do the full list of ebv related tests.
So yes I'm taking the l lysine 3x a day 1
1.5g a time at the moment. It 100% causes a mild boost in energy which is great and reduced the sore throat and other symptoms by quite a lot. I'm just not sure what the mode of action is. As for the andro. I take 15g a day when I'm really sick. Although currrntly taking 6 to 12g a day and every time I exert myself my immune system drops massively. Every single time without fail. This was happening before the ebv reactivated last month ad well.
Brilliant. I'll definitely try the monolaurin again. One more time can't hurt.
Lastly I used to get a very bad sore in my mouth where my tongue met one of my teeth (only when I had a cold and only 1 day after the cold had truly got a grip on my body). The tooth has a sharp edge at 45 degrees. When I started anti biotics last month this sore started to heal and after a week it was gone. If I leave the sore it turns into a painful canker sore. So I don't let that happen. Anyway long story short I ended up on anti biotics for 18 days. Since then I haven't had a sore in my mouth. I've had two colds since then so there's been ample time for it. However I have been using the life extension oral probiotic. So I can't be sure if it's not just the effect of that. But the fact it's stopped after 3 years is truly weird.
I'm definitely going to continue the lysine experiment. Just wish the raging sore throat would go away. I think it's the worst ebv related post viral sore throat I've ever had.