

Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
My naturopath has me on monolaurin to address reactivated EBV. Anyone have experience with monolaurin?
I started monolaurin (self-prescribed) maybe 5 or 6 weeks ago and I've just started my second container. I'm taking it in the form of lauricidin. I agree with @Swim15 , I would not start with the full dose. I was taking perhaps half a scoop 2 x a day and then 3/4 of a scoop and finally am taking a full scoop 2 x a day, but am going to start 3 x a day now.

I think it has caused some herxing, nothing unmanageable, just some extra fatigue. Though I did have close to a week where I did feel awful and my gut was screwed up, 2 days it felt like a crash only I don't think it was. I was afraid I was regressing, but then I recovered. I took charcoal for 2 or 3 days and kefir for my gut. It was very strange - but I got over that. It may have been due to the monolaurin, I just don't know.

Recent lab work did show possible EBV re-activation. So it's a work in progress, I'm going to keep it up for another month or 2 and see how I do.

And I would do a search, there are other posts about this.


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
I think it has caused some herxing, nothing unmanageable, just some extra fatigue. Though I did have close to a week where I did feel awful and my gut was screwed up, 2 days it felt like a crash only I don't think it was. I was afraid I was regressing, but then I recovered. I took charcoal for 2 or 3 days and kefir for my gut. It was very strange - but I got over that. It may have been due to the monolaurin, I just don't know.

It might have been the antibacterial effects of the monolaurin on your gut microbiome that caused die-off symptoms and your gut to became upset-

Antibacterial effects
Research shows that monolaurin is an effective killer of bacteria, including antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. A 2013 studyTrusted Source published in the Journal of Medicinal Food confirmed the results of other in vitro studies that showed the antibacterial power of monolaurin. It also showed that monolaurin at least partially fights off Staphylococcus aureus in mice.

A study from 2007Trusted Source in the Journal of Dermatology Drugs compared monolaurin to six common types of antibiotics in the treatment of superficial pediatric skin infections. The study found statistically significant broad spectrum antibiotic effects without any of the resistance of common antibiotics.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
What were your guys EBV titers like?
I don't know how to interpret these numbers but my doctor said it might suggest reactivation:

EBV early antigen D AB (IGG) 31 (should be < 9)

EBV Antibody panel
Viral Capsid AG (VCA) AB (IGM) < 36 (normal)

Viral Capsid AG (VCA) AB (IGG) 207 (should be < 18)

EBV Nuclear AG (EBNA) AB (IGG) 213 (should be < 18)

@Swim15 - can you make sense of these numbers?


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
It might have been the antibacterial effects of the monolaurin on your gut microbiome that caused die-off and your gut to became upset-
You very well could be right - It was pretty intense, whatever it was! I had about 5 bad days, 2 of which felt like a crash, the fatigue was so bad, but then realized it was different. But that at least is over now - whew!


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I don't know how to interpret these numbers but my doctor said it might suggest reactivation:

EBV early antigen D AB (IGG) 31 (should be < 9)

EBV Antibody panel
Viral Capsid AG (VCA) AB (IGM) < 36 (normal)

Viral Capsid AG (VCA) AB (IGG) 207 (should be < 18)

EBV Nuclear AG (EBNA) AB (IGG) 213 (should be < 18)

@Swim15 - can you make sense of these numbers?
That sounds like a reactivated infection. You might also have your doctor do a EBV PCR. I only had elevated CCA IgG, but a positive PCR once Dr Kaufman finally tested me, when my naturopaths had kept running vital titers. I wasted a lot of money on naturopathic things like artemisinin, vitamin C, etc. which didn't help as it was too entrenched and my immune system was too whacked. Dr K put me on 2 460mg pills twice daily of Valcyte and I began to feel better within 30 days. No herx. Cognitive dysfunction gone. He kept me on it for 30 months until I had 4 successive negative EBV PCRs.

Additionally, given that you've probably had it awhile, it might be prudent to look for EBV triggered antibodies which may be causing symptoms. This is a list collected from other patients around here.


  • Antibody tests for ME_CFS patients.pdf
    69.5 KB · Views: 59


Senior Member
United Kingdom
God how I wish I could get that full EBV barrage of tests in the UK. If anyone from the UK has ever got them on the NHS please let me know.

I'm still suffering with ebv, sore throat up my nasal passage, down my throat and into my ear canal all the time, every day. It goes away with 1.5g of l-lysine for about an hour and 100% goes away for 2 hours with andrographis paniculata. However long term effects a bit uncertain.

Like you @Mary I had a bad reaction to lauracidin, I got scared off when I read that it could be killing good bacteria too? Suffice to say I am going to try it again now that I've read this thread. My guts went into distress after the third day I think.

Definitely start slow, a whole scoop leaves me unable to function for about 5 or 6 hours. Half of which involves me being asleep.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
God how I wish I could get that full EBV barrage of tests in the UK. If anyone from the UK has ever got them on the NHS please let me know.
Here in the US, we have to pay for our tests, unfortunately. Looks like you can in the UK, too? Getting appropriate treatment for a problem identified by testing can greatly shorten one's illness and get back one to functioning. It might be worth it to go outside your NHS If they refuse to help you.


Moderator Resource
Texas Hill Country
I'm still suffering with ebv, sore throat up my nasal passage, down my throat and into my ear canal all the time, every day. It goes away with 1.5g of l-lysine for about an hour and 100% goes away for 2 hours with andrographis paniculata.
@godlovesatrier - do you take l-lysine daily or just when you get sick? I've taken it 2 x daily (1000 mg. 2 x a day) for years, I'm guessing it helps some and I don't think it's hurt me. When I'm sick, I will keep taking andrographis until I get over it, so if that means a week, then I'll take it for a week.

I'm doing better on the monolaurin/lauricidin - my gut did recover, I'm guessing it was some kind of herx. Though I am taking a week off, but will go right back on it afterwards. You do have to go by how you feel - if it's too rough, then I would cut the dose.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
It's not clear who does the tests you linked @Learner1 in the UK. The other issue I have is I've rang almost all phlebotomy services and the only one is a 50 min drive from me. After that it's a case of spending £250 getting a nurse to come to your house to take the bloods in your home. Best option by far but so very expensive. If that is your getting a large £500 viral panel done. Otherwise for ebv alone it's expensive but less so.

Even so the cost is prohibitive. As for the second link that seems to be an acute mono test which I had in hospital last month and was positive. It's a shame the nhs won't do the full list of ebv related tests.

So yes I'm taking the l lysine 3x a day 1
1.5g a time at the moment. It 100% causes a mild boost in energy which is great and reduced the sore throat and other symptoms by quite a lot. I'm just not sure what the mode of action is. As for the andro. I take 15g a day when I'm really sick. Although currrntly taking 6 to 12g a day and every time I exert myself my immune system drops massively. Every single time without fail. This was happening before the ebv reactivated last month ad well.

Brilliant. I'll definitely try the monolaurin again. One more time can't hurt.

Lastly I used to get a very bad sore in my mouth where my tongue met one of my teeth (only when I had a cold and only 1 day after the cold had truly got a grip on my body). The tooth has a sharp edge at 45 degrees. When I started anti biotics last month this sore started to heal and after a week it was gone. If I leave the sore it turns into a painful canker sore. So I don't let that happen. Anyway long story short I ended up on anti biotics for 18 days. Since then I haven't had a sore in my mouth. I've had two colds since then so there's been ample time for it. However I have been using the life extension oral probiotic. So I can't be sure if it's not just the effect of that. But the fact it's stopped after 3 years is truly weird.

I'm definitely going to continue the lysine experiment. Just wish the raging sore throat would go away. I think it's the worst ebv related post viral sore throat I've ever had.


Senior Member
Monolaurin is made from coconut oil and it helps the immune system--- lots of ppl with other diseases are greatly helped.
bc it is a fat, it's good to track your ketones with it. And supplement B vitamins and potassium chloride and sodium bicarbonate as an athlete would do entering into ketosis.
Other coconut oil or coconut oil itself might make a goid oartner too.
I paired emu oil years ago and had a great 3 month period of lots of strong activity.
Unfortunately i had no concept about ketones... and was super strict eating low fat. My poor brain was finally happy to get some fat too.

start super slow. Like 2-3 pellets until you can manage that.

im going to do ten pass ozone then a long course of monolaurin to really bring down viruses.
And hopefully it will be my first awesome winter in years.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
I'm struggling badly with what I believe is latent ebv. I had very acute ebv in July for 4 weeks. It was grim and combined with a bacterial throat infection. I felt better for about 2 weeks 4 weeks post recovery and then I got a sore throat which gradually began to get worse. Which is exactly what happened before I got acute ebv.

I tried lysine and andrographis paniculata. Which made a huge difference but wasn't really denting the sore throat to be honest. I tried olive leaf and a few other things. But nothing was helping. When I had acute ebv a scoop of lauricidin was putting me to sleep for 3 hours. I started lauricidin gradually 5 days ago. I'm now on 2 full scoops a day and the sore throat is finally...touch wood...calming down. Bare in mind I've had this sore throat for 3 or 4 weeks now. Anyway I combined it with an anti viral tonic made up of 5mls tincture of Chinese skullcap, cleavers, black walnut, lomatium dissectum, redroot and hottouynia cordata. Oh and cryptolepis. This tincture combo also made a huge difference.

But for the last 2 days I've not been taking the lauricidin. I am 80% sure the sore throat is ebv that is trying to flare up. But I've read it's almost impossible to have acute ebv twice. Especially so soon after infection? Who knows. Suffice to say ebv is certainly an aggressive virus.

I believe the andrographis paniculata and lysine in high quantities for 2 weeks prior to me taking the lauricidin got my body into a better place. Even so I'm not counting my chickens yet. Going to add some collidal silver and then hopefully go down to a maintenance dose.

I've also noticed it's stopped me crashing and given me a massive energy boost. Feels weird because I haven't felt this good since last year. I hope it continues.


Senior Member
I started it for a yeast infection which it didn't help but it has really helped my fatigue even at a low dose of maybe 7-8 pellets a night. with food seems important.