Moment of the day when it's worst


Senior Member
I have noted that my cognitive symptoms seems to be worst around lunch time (starting around 11 am ) vertigo, tiredness, feels like my brain is on fire.
i was wondering if it was the same for you as well, or if you have a possible explaination for this ?
11 am for me a huge dark hole as well,and I become weaker and cold,also look terribly sick Most of the time I have lunch at 11 and then I sleep 2 hours,waking up feeling intoxified ,around 4 pm the second crash plus hypoclycemia. I mean I feel sick all day long,but 11am and 4pm I crash.

You can read about here

Disorders in biological clock can affect sleep–wake cycles, body temperature, the release of hormones and other vital bodily functions in diseases which the autonomic nervous system is involved

Typically, a biological clock disruption tends to be more pronounced from 11am to noon, with symptoms
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Senior Member
I have reverted to a cycle where I wake up, never feel refreshed, then somehow get myself going by lunch time (perhaps the caffeine and the effect of food, I usually feel slightly better right after eating and getting my blood sugar up). Then I can keep going for another couple of hours until fatigue inevitably kicks in at 2-3 PM. This crash is the worst and lasts until evening and then improvement builds up to where my nervous system starts to get overactive just when it's about time to go sleep, which means sleep is often ruined as well. The shifted circadian rhythm where you feel most tired during the day and least during night seems fairly common in ME/CFS. Ron Davis has compared it to African sleeping sickness, which shows a similar pattern.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
The first part of the day always seems to be the worst. It starts to get better after 4:30pm if I've had a nap before then.

I was going to post that on a recent PEM/research thread but didn't want to sidetrack it.

I wonder if researchers could use the differences between our tests in the morning versus our tests in the afternoon/evenings to learn something about PEM.