Millions Missing Canada: Meet Your MP About ME


Senior Member
MillionsMissing Canada (MMC) has a new Canadian campaign:



To achieve equity in research funding and access to appropriate treatments for ME in Canada, the Minister of Health Ginette Petitpas Taylor needs to make ME a priority.

A key to that success is gaining the support of our MPs.

Most MPs are unaware of the 2015 CCHS statistics showing a 37.6% increase in ME over the previous year, bringing the number of diagnosed cases of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis in Canada to an alarming 561,500. They’re also unaware that there’s been a total lack of appropriate response from our health officials. This needs to change.

Our MPs in Canada need to be made aware of the swelling numbers, the current barren landscape for ME in Canada and the severity of the debilitation that accompanies this devastating illness - too long hidden in plain sight. We need to inform them and then ask for their signature on the ‘Open Letter to Minister Petitpas Taylor’, calling for an emergency response and immediate interventions.

We’re asking you - the ME community, families, loved ones, caregivers and supporters - to meet with your MP’s over the next two weeks before they head back to Ottawa. This can be done in person, via Skype, over the phone or by email.

You will find everything you need for a successful meeting with your MP at the link below. Full instructions are provided along with an easy ‘Step-by-Step Guide’ to follow.

In this package, you’ll find a ‘Script’ available to help introduce yourself to your MP, a brief ‘Video’ to send to them prior to your meeting, a concise ‘Presentation’ for you to show to your MP during your meeting, a detailed ‘Fact Sheet’ for their examination, a link to print off a copy of the ‘Open Letter to the Minister of Health’ and a list of ‘FAQ’.

Visit our page then call your MP to set up your appointment today!…/


Ginette Petitpas Taylor Chief Public Health Officer of Canada
Justin Trudeau Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Public Health Agency of Canada Canadian Blood Services

We are Your Ontario Doctors

Marwan Tabbara, Member of Parliament Jody Wilson-Raybould
Nathaniel Erskine-Smith John Aldag, Member of Parliament
Carolyn Bennett Jane Philpott

Facebook post can be found here:


Senior Member
Update November 13th, 2017

For this campaign, we've had many people step forward and meet with their MPs.

This week the MPs are back in their ridings and this will be the last opportunity to meet with them before the Christmas break. We're encouraging as many people as possible to book appointments this week.

They’re Back!

Meet your MP about ME. This week will be the final opportunity to meet with your MP before the Christmas break so please take advantage of this time and book an appointment to advocate for ME.

The statistics of diagnosed cases of ME in Canada continue to rise. The new numbers, confirmed by StatCan and released to the public on October 30th, 2017 by Canada’s National ME/FM Action Network reveal 20,000 more cases of ME in 2016 over the previous count in 2015 bringing the figure to an unprecedented 581,600!

Canada takes great pride and has great respect for the statistics it collects. According to these escalating numbers, interventions for sufferers of ME are badly needed.

Call to book your meeting. Contact us to let us know which MP you’ll be meeting with. Let us know how we can help support you in this very important step.

Advocate for ME. Advocate for us all!


Further Details at the Facebook Page:

Or Website:

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