Another function for microglia: they constantly 'touch' surrounding nerve cells to reduce hyperexitability. They 'touch' neurons based on activity, focusing their efforts on the most active ones. Since ME affects the immune system, including microglia, what does that mean for us?
Question: are PWME more likely to suffer seizures? Searching the forums showed some members reporting seizures, but I don't know whether that's a different frequency from the general population.
On the flip side: would excessive microglial 'touching' explain mental lethargy? If each 'touch' reduces excitability, that should hamper normal brain activity. Something for the experts to think about.
Another function for microglia: they constantly 'touch' surrounding nerve cells to reduce hyperexitability. They 'touch' neurons based on activity, focusing their efforts on the most active ones. Since ME affects the immune system, including microglia, what does that mean for us?
Question: are PWME more likely to suffer seizures? Searching the forums showed some members reporting seizures, but I don't know whether that's a different frequency from the general population.
On the flip side: would excessive microglial 'touching' explain mental lethargy? If each 'touch' reduces excitability, that should hamper normal brain activity. Something for the experts to think about.