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methylation issues with respect to GcMAF treatment for retroviruses


Senior Member
Hi all,

I have been following the long GcMAF thread. It seems some are being helped quite a bit and some are not and some are getting some improvement.

I wonder if there are ways we can improve the odds of success by screening who might be helped and also be addressing mehtylation/oxidative stress before treatment.

So, regarding screening, I've read that nagalase is the compound that disrupts the creation of GcMAF from the Gc protein. And this compound is produced by retroviruses. So, would a good screening test be a high level of nagalase ? This apparently can be tested at Vitamin Diagnostics in New Jersey.

Regarding methylation, I have learned the following from Jill James:

a. methylation silences retrovirus DNA located in our DNA. Is this correct or does it silence all viral DNA ? I'm not sure if it's DNA viruses that get incorporated into our DNA or just retrovirus DNA or both

b. she says that viruses export glutathione to induce an oxidized environment to reproduce. So, it would make sense to try to normalize glutathone and also make sure oxidative stress is down to normal

Are there other ways methylation/glutathione effect viral control ?

And a general question about the VDR and vitamin D. Does the GcMAF attach to the vitamin D that is bound to the vitamin D receptor ?

Regards, GlobalPilot



Senior Member
These are excellent questions. I hope some knowledgeable person will answer them.


Senior Member
*** This is very interesting stuff Globalpilot, Ill answer what I know:

I have been following the long GcMAF thread. It seems some are being helped quite a bit and some are not and some are getting some improvement.

*** It seems so, yes. But the net improvement is still unknown, as I guess many will improve more over time, as happens with HIV patients following ARVs.

I wonder if there are ways we can improve the odds of success by screening who might be helped and also be addressing mehtylation/oxidative stress before treatment.

*** Genetics is one way, although there are other factors, like lymphocyte status.

So, regarding screening, I've read that nagalase is the compound that disrupts the creation of GcMAF from the Gc protein. And this compound is produced by retroviruses. So, would a good screening test be a high level of nagalase ?

*** Actually it is, as is with Cancer, or HIV infection. It seems according to Dr. Cheney and some KDM patients I know, that Nagalase uses to be high in CFS as well. This contradicts a lab who found it low in CFS, but this was months ago. I think this test is better tuned up at this moment.

This apparently can be tested at Vitamin Diagnostics in New Jersey.

*** Yes. Also in Brusels at REDLABS, for those in Europe.

Regarding methylation, I have learned the following from Jill James:

a. methylation silences retrovirus DNA located in our DNA. Is this correct or does it silence all viral DNA ?

***There are 3 processes that together silences viral expression. One is methylation, and methylation is vital for the other and main process called histone acetylation. Theres another I think remember minor process involve as well.

***I have read that methylation is the process that silences HIV. I dont think its been published anything about what mechanism silences XMRV, but I think Dr. Mikovits has mentioned that methylation does, a few times.

I'm not sure if it's DNA viruses that get incorporated into our DNA or just retrovirus DNA or both

*** From my very short knowledge here, I think that those viruses that integrate their RNA (in form of DNA) in our DNA, are called retroviruses.

***DNA viruses are just a denomination for those viruses that have DNA instead of RNA as genetic material, but has nothing to do with incorporating or not their DNA into ours.

b. she says that viruses export glutathione to induce an oxidized environment to reproduce. So, it would make sense to try to normalize glutathone and also make sure oxidative stress is down to normal

*** Of course this would be logical. The problem is that if this were as it seems in theory, by taking the simplified protocol recommended by Rich A. Van Konynenburg, we should get better. Actually some get much better, many get a bit better, but most cannot tolerate the treatment anymore at some point. It seems that there may be what I think you call in America a monkey wrench that is impeding that this natural process takes place. This could be a virus, for instance XMRV (Actually, I think Rich is right when proposed this)

*** From my experience, I think I need to deal first with XMRV and co-infections in order for my body to be able to handle the detoxification caused by taking the methylation supplements and therefore restoring the glutathione levels.

*** I believe that even though methylation and glutathione are vital for the immune system and for creating a hostile environment for infections, their restoration by taking the proper supplements creates in some of us a state of mild acute intoxication (glutathione detoxifies 70% of ALL the endo and exo-toxins of the body!), that in turn causes a weakness of or body, that triggers a flare up of the chronic infections, and therefore we get worse

*** What to do? Maybe to reduce first the infections load, and then to restore the partial methylation block and the lack of glutathione No idea if this is even possible, but its the only thing my body allows me to do

Are there other ways methylation/glutathione effect viral control ?

*** Yes, methylation is needed for maintaining the redox status, creating new RNA and DNA and synthesizing other antioxidants, and all this is crucial for maintaining viruses under control by the immune system.

And a general question about the VDR and vitamin D. Does the GcMAF attach to the vitamin D that is bound to the vitamin D receptor ?

*** I dont think so. I think it uses another receptor on macrophages membrane, but cannot remember its name. But I am talking from memory. I can be wrong.

Regards, GlobalPilot

*** Best,