Hi all,
Herbqueen, do you mean Metametrix tests? You definitely should be treated for h.pylori. This is my experience. 4 of us in our support group have had the Metametrix tests done. I have to say Absolutely invaluable. 3 of us are loaded with parasites, including blasto candida salmonella, other bacteria and H, pylori ( even despite a biopsy test done here that proved negative) Victoria I too once had blasto but the colonoscopy stuff did not work for me....Diflucan cleared it.
We are all being helped by a Doctor here who has become a Naturopath, treating this for 15 yrs along with Autism. Had stool tests done here in Australia at Private labs, considered better than normal labs, and did not get this stuff to show.......total waste of money. Same with others in our group. Metametrix can tell the DNA of a parasite.
In many of us, the candida did not show up in the stool test. Doc said this was normal sometimes as it hides. Where it showed was the urine test as it has a marker where it releases its toxins into the urine. From these tests he can see exactly what our body is not producing. The tests are totally inexplicable to and our GP....have to have special training to interpret.
In effect 3 out of the 4 of us have partial methylation blocks....cant detox ....have not got enough gluthathione to scavenge out the debris. This is the reason for our rotten guts.....trickle down effect. NONE of us thought we had problems with our guts.
How we are being treated.?
Most of us are taking Mutaflor from Germany, ...I take only 1 a week ( $ 3 a pill) for the Salmonella that I did not have any idea I had. First 6 wks the diarrhea was unbelievable from the die off. I take Intestaclear for the candida and parasites 2 per day for 3 mths...Australian herbal product about $25 .oo....well worth everyone taking.
Then he compounds a product for the Methylation block....not all of us have the same need. I am a bad case, have damage to the DNA and need 4 fish oil tabs a day. The compound contains the right Methyl B12 and folinic acid....the key to the program as it acts like caustic soda to open up the detox pathways. In the compound I have to have co factors selenium, manganese, magnesiium chromium Vitc.....cost $48 mth...these support methylation.
I take also 4 TMG cheap from iherb.com to help facilitate the detox....None of the others are doing this....the treatment is very individualised.
Some of my friends are taking much less.....some have even bigger parasites problems. Some take either Diflucan/Nilstat/Nizoral and the Intestaclear as he says they have candida in the brain.
This wonderful Dr/naturopath has spent 35 yrs a a doctor and knows so much and left medicine as he says you cant cure many there and has dedicated himself to helping CFS/Autism...the same genetic problem....treats people all over the world. When he gets the test results, he emails you a big report telling you exactly where your bio chemistry markers are not working...does not charge for this...amazing hey.
He only then charges you $50 to to talk with him by phone or in his office.....Overseas more. Sadly he is fighting throat cancer and is having chemo so his hours are being cut short but he is still working as the tests are the thing he goes by....they reveal all adn eh can do it all from behind a computer..
I would live on baked beans for 6 mths to save for the tests. At least you are not chasing your tail anymore and not wasting money on useless supps....plugging dykes..... getting to the crux of the matter. If you cant afford the 3 tests, urine hair and stool, the Urine is the best to have as it still shows up markers he says. Once methylation starts to kick in, which takes some months, the heavy metal build up begins to flow out of the body.
I can honestly say after 22 yrs of FM first then a big dose of CFS, this is the first time I have had the best guidance despite previously having the best infectious disease specialist Dr himself a CFS sufferer...got no where there but years of big bills.