metagenix stool test/parasites/ hplyori etc

Has anyone had their stool tested for parasites , hplyori etc?

If so what treatment did you use- was it beneficial?


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia

I had a Blastocystis Hominus parasite infection for several years that was resistant to anti-biotics (even 2 anti-biotics taken together which caused horrible side effects).

The drink consumed for 24 hours before my colonoscopy/gastroscopy in Feb 2004 finally eradicated all trace of this parasite. To my knowledge, I am completely clear & certainly don't have any symptoms at the current time to suggest I need to have further tests now or in the future.

My chronic 2 1/2 yr battle with daily diarrhoea also ceased around this time. My Blog "My Rotten Gut" might offer some suggestions & there is a thread/posts somewhere here.

I would suggest every one have a faeces test (if there is the remotest symptom of bowel or gut issues)

PS I saw this article on this morning's google news which highlights the need to thoroughly wash fruit & veg.

Thursday 13th May, 2010
A Sydney man who ate a slug as a dare is fighting for his life after contracting a rare form of meningitis.
The 21-year-old caught rat lungworm disease after performing the stunt some time ago, the ABC reported on Thursday.
He is now in a critical condition.
The disease is caused by Angiostrongylus Cantonensis, a parasitic worm carried by rodents.
Slugs and snails can become infected by eating the larvae in rat droppings.
In some instances, the worm can cause fatal swelling of the brain and spinal chord.
Dr Jeremy McAnulty from NSW Health says such cases are rare and most people do recover.
'It goes away by itself because the body's immune system will eventually get rid of it,' he told the ABC.
The disease can also be caught by eating raw vegetables or fruit that have not been washed properly.


Senior Member
I am interested in HP too, terrible reflux and gut pain today, have just had the UK HP breath test but wass told the stool antigen test was better but I was only offered the breath test.
I don't have any gut pain or issues with pain , bloating etc- but test positive for parasites and h. plyori- so should this be treated is the question?- interestng story on the colonoscopy drink!


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Hi all,

Herbqueen, do you mean Metametrix tests? You definitely should be treated for h.pylori. This is my experience. 4 of us in our support group have had the Metametrix tests done. I have to say Absolutely invaluable. 3 of us are loaded with parasites, including blasto candida salmonella, other bacteria and H, pylori ( even despite a biopsy test done here that proved negative) Victoria I too once had blasto but the colonoscopy stuff did not work for me....Diflucan cleared it.

We are all being helped by a Doctor here who has become a Naturopath, treating this for 15 yrs along with Autism. Had stool tests done here in Australia at Private labs, considered better than normal labs, and did not get this stuff to waste of money. Same with others in our group. Metametrix can tell the DNA of a parasite.

In many of us, the candida did not show up in the stool test. Doc said this was normal sometimes as it hides. Where it showed was the urine test as it has a marker where it releases its toxins into the urine. From these tests he can see exactly what our body is not producing. The tests are totally inexplicable to and our GP....have to have special training to interpret.

In effect 3 out of the 4 of us have partial methylation blocks....cant detox ....have not got enough gluthathione to scavenge out the debris. This is the reason for our rotten guts.....trickle down effect. NONE of us thought we had problems with our guts.

How we are being treated.?

Most of us are taking Mutaflor from Germany, ...I take only 1 a week ( $ 3 a pill) for the Salmonella that I did not have any idea I had. First 6 wks the diarrhea was unbelievable from the die off. I take Intestaclear for the candida and parasites 2 per day for 3 mths...Australian herbal product about $25 .oo....well worth everyone taking.

Then he compounds a product for the Methylation block....not all of us have the same need. I am a bad case, have damage to the DNA and need 4 fish oil tabs a day. The compound contains the right Methyl B12 and folinic acid....the key to the program as it acts like caustic soda to open up the detox pathways. In the compound I have to have co factors selenium, manganese, magnesiium chromium Vitc.....cost $48 mth...these support methylation.
I take also 4 TMG cheap from to help facilitate the detox....None of the others are doing this....the treatment is very individualised.

Some of my friends are taking much less.....some have even bigger parasites problems. Some take either Diflucan/Nilstat/Nizoral and the Intestaclear as he says they have candida in the brain.

This wonderful Dr/naturopath has spent 35 yrs a a doctor and knows so much and left medicine as he says you cant cure many there and has dedicated himself to helping CFS/Autism...the same genetic problem....treats people all over the world. When he gets the test results, he emails you a big report telling you exactly where your bio chemistry markers are not working...does not charge for this...amazing hey.

He only then charges you $50 to to talk with him by phone or in his office.....Overseas more. Sadly he is fighting throat cancer and is having chemo so his hours are being cut short but he is still working as the tests are the thing he goes by....they reveal all adn eh can do it all from behind a computer..

I would live on baked beans for 6 mths to save for the tests. At least you are not chasing your tail anymore and not wasting money on useless supps....plugging dykes..... getting to the crux of the matter. If you cant afford the 3 tests, urine hair and stool, the Urine is the best to have as it still shows up markers he says. Once methylation starts to kick in, which takes some months, the heavy metal build up begins to flow out of the body.

I can honestly say after 22 yrs of FM first then a big dose of CFS, this is the first time I have had the best guidance despite previously having the best infectious disease specialist Dr himself a CFS no where there but years of big bills.


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
Fabulous post, Susan,

am so glad you were able to pitch in with all that info.

(sorry to hear the Dr has throat cancer, my neighbour's sister had it twice & can't talk properly now & had to spend many, many months being fed through a stomach tube).
Susan- thank you- are you feeling better with this treatment? I'm really really ill- went from FMS to neurological lyme in past 4 years-with onset of optic neuritis(with some vision loss)-I've been decling but my attempt to treat first with herbs 2 years ago and now with with only 1 week flagyl/3 difucan sent me inot horrific neuro explosions- now on top of everthing I test positive for parasities./hplyori-also EBV and past IGG exposure to everything-it's very scary for me as I went from bad brain fog,weakness, tiwtching /jerking but functional to now housebound 6 months in agony'not sure how I can go on at times wth total insomnia, 3/4 body numb, muscle weakness, shaky, gait, balance ,depth perception, neuropathy unbearable in brain/neck, weak neck-on my back 13 hrs a day and now fibro pain is coming back! I was walking 3 miles day in November- I was declining and knew I had to do something- I'm hype sensitive now to supplements- saw famous LLMD-he wants me on a boat load phase i/ii (poor phase i/phase ii)supplements, ALA, gluthathione etc and will discuss abx treatment versus cowden- not sure how my body can handle either. I'm also chemically sensitive- so scared with loss of motor control and constant agony/pain now for 6 months. I feel like I'm in a dream-feel like I overlap MS, MCS, Fibro, lyme categories. I need a magic pill and fast. I wonder about stem cell treatment--abx is terrifying to me given how negatively I have reacted to everything- not just a herx but an explosion/downward spiral of 100 symptoms i never had before. I'm between a rock and hard place. Not sure how I get my way out of this hole.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
Hi Herbqueen,
I am so sorry to hear you are having all these problems. Yes I am feeling better from the is slow as I have been sick 22 yrs. Your treatment sound severe. Flagyl is always hard to take. From my reading with Rich and Fredd a lot of our problems, parasites and viruses etc all happen because we cant detox. If you could maybe try their rationale, it may take the load off the body. I too have been down the track of them telling me to take all this stufff.....never works because the detox pathway is not opening and only the B12 and folinic acid can do this. I took the best form of Gluthathione for 6 mths...cost me $800 but I could not absorb it as my chemistry could not assimilate it. I am making my own GSH, but i destroy it before it can do me good.. So no amount of absorbing this stuff helped me until I could get the pathway working.

I got a horrific bladder infection in Oct and went to the GP. He said if I could not take any Anti-biotic do herbal stuff.....I did this and was still ill but the burning was less. His office kept contacting me and I ignored him until a letter came in the mail. Tests revealed a bad unusual infection and I had to inject daily an anti biotic and I coped well. All depends which pathway it goes down. I have trouble with the CYP 450. Supplements go down the 450 pathway. Nearly killed myself recently taking the drug Tagemet...450 pathway .

I wonder if Lyposheric vit C would help you. I dearly hope you will come out of this hole. I am using a Scenar device.. Google heals the whole body...does marvels for pain....raised my friends platelets, stopped pain in my husband deformed broken foot after 21 yrs. Acts like a Tens machine but it differs in that is has a biofedback feedback. Scenar Therapist tells me it kill parasites. I have bought one cheap from the Ukraine....too expensive here in OZ. It is like a channel changer and you just zap yourself.
thank you susan- what is lypospher vit c? and how do you think it would help?- is your scenar device like hulda clark's famous zapper? I'm doing a flower essence treatment for lyme (with david dalton-can't say I've seen any miracles yet-but some subtle improvement. I'm also doing homeopathy and homepath wants be on nothing/no supplements and prefer no drugs. On top of my night mare I can't sleep since this spiral - wiht trazadone I can get about 3 hours- head jerking and dizziness in brainpressure/nervous system keeps me from sleeping-- how uch is the scenar device? I do wonder about using some type of rife/zapper-my body is so electrical right now with jerking/twitching I even got worse just using acunpuncture last friday. Thought it might helpe me sleep and made my sleep even worse. Go figure..... praying for a miracle healing and even seeking healers on the internet-so pretty desperate right now-- I wish I weren't so sick and could have the time to try the methylation protocol. Feel like I'm running out of time with neuro progession of this disease and effecting every aspect of my body neurolgically-
The lyme boards also talk about an AI- Allergy Immune therapy to correct underlying genetic etc issues( i believe from germany-Dr. klinghart is using it as well now)


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia

Hi Herbqueen,
I think maybe why accupuncture made you worse is because it shook up the system....trying to rebalance. Cant you take Ambien for sleep or tried liquid form of Melatonin...supposed to be much stronger or amytryptaline for sleep?

Check out Lyposheric vit C on our forum here ...there are many posts for it. Huge difference in strength to regular VITC...more absorbable.

Scenar is NO WAY like Hulda Clarks zapper in any shape or form. It repairs the bodys energy system. I bought the sport model from Dimitry in Ukraine for US$490 This is a unique engineering device made by the Russians yrs ago for the astronauts if they got sick as they did not want them taking drugs into space.

Works on the energy meridains.....untangles everything wrong going on in the body. Therapist says for me to keep on using mine as its aim is to confuse the body and bring it back to homeostasis. Google it or try reading some of the research like this.

There are some being made in the US...dont know what they are like....better to buy the real Scenar... NO 1 Sports model on ebay....the real thing. IN Canada a Russsian Doctor Irena..somebody ....says her son in Russia had Tourettes sydnrome as a kid and other neuro stuff.

She was given no hope and she tried this and he is free of it now. She now lives in Canada and does the big sell on You Tube. trying to flog off expensive devices...dont go there.

My therapist claims she got her best friend out of bed with CFS with Scenar....we will see........
I like her a lot and she is very keen and very honest kind of person....driven on by her many successes.
Hope all this helps


Senior Member
Fifteen yrs ago the first CFS doc found h.pylori in blood test. I had no symptoms but got severe nausea about a yr later. Gastro did endoscopy and found it on biopsy; was treated successfully. Now breath test will dx it but if you are on antacids test will not work. Recently had biopsy again when I had endoscopy and it was negative. Because I have Crohn's, if I have a bout of diarrhea I have stool tests. Very few docs do them correctly.