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Meirleir confirms XMRV findings in Europe


Senior Member
Clay, Alabama
Group hug across the Atlantic. I am so happy for my European comrades. It's about time a study in Europe confirmed. Would be interesting to see the cohort criteria.

Has anyone called White and Wesseley yet?


Woooo hooooooo....Go Dr Kenny!!

Thanks for sharing everyone. So nice to see the waves of good news for a change.

Run....thumb sucking, bed wetting psychobablers!


Senior Member
Group hug across the Atlantic. I am so happy for my European comrades. It's about time a study in Europe confirmed. Would be interesting to see the cohort criteria.

Has anyone called White and Wesseley yet?

He'll continue to flip flop Tina.

“Continuing attribution of all symptoms to a persistent ‘virus’ preserves self-esteem”.
Cognitive behaviour therapy in chronic fatigue syndrome. Butler S, Chalder T, Ron M, Wessely S. JNNP 1991:54:153-158

When caught out by XMRV/MULV 19 years later he says....

"We're not going to go doing more and more tests to find out what was the virus because, frankly, even if we found it there's nothing we're going to do about it.
We're in the business of rehabilitation."

Chronic fatigue syndrome, BMJ Podcast 5th March 2010

Guido den Broeder

Senior Member
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
I am not particularly looking forward to a diagnosis called 'gamma retroviral disease' or something similar.

Come on, people, what we have is ME, which is not the same as prostate cancer. Let's not let them force us onto another pile, after two decades of CFS.


Senior Member
I am not particularly looking forward to a diagnosis called 'gamma retroviral disease' or something similar.

Come on, people, what we have is ME, which is not the same as prostate cancer. Let's not let them force us onto another pile, after two decades of CFS.

I prefer a name containing the name of the causing agent.

Do you think ME can not be caused by gammaretroviruses?

Or do you think gamma retroviruses can not cause cancer and neuroinmunediseases?


Senior Member
Dr. De Meirleir needs to publish this eventually or at least get a good abstract out at the conferences. I'm skeptical of him because he's made all sorts of announcements in the past without good data back-up.


Senior Member
New England
Group hug across the Atlantic. I am so happy for my European comrades. It's about time a study in Europe confirmed. Would be interesting to see the cohort criteria.

Has anyone called White and Wesseley yet?

Hi Tina, Good news! This on top of the last two days' news has brought our team back. It is like scoring goals and turning the play after losing for so long and being counted out. I am personally beat with all of the action, but thrilled.

Anyway I wanted to note that Dr. De Meirleir was one of the authors of the Canadian Consensus Definition, so I'd expect the cohort criteria to fall within it.
