Medication for severe


Senior Member
Hey guys, it is me again.
I am going through an extreme phase of worsening of symptoms.

Mainly due to CFS worsening and cerebrospinal fluid leak.

One of my biggest symptoms is extreme anxiety and agitation.
I know that there's several options for natural remedies and I've tried them all.

My anxiety is a form of mental PEM, so I am resting aggressively.

However, short term, I need to get into a state where I'll be able to face doctors, whereas now, five minutes of talking sends me crashing.

The issue is I have trouble with most antidepressants, as they usually make things worse.

I am at a complete catch 22 point it seems.

I've tried the supplements against anxiety here, and those that previously worked don't work anymore.

Do you know of any medication that people with severe sensory overload and anxiety could take and that hasn't made things worse?



Senior Member
Maybe you can try a low dose of oxazepam or lorazepam. I wish you the best it is very hard to deal with this kind of anxiety. Take care!

YippeeKi YOW !!

Senior Member
Second star to the right ...
Yes I do Xanax if gets too overwhelming, but can't do every day
Hi again ....

I know you assume that you've got it handled because you're using Xanax (one of the MOST addictive of the benzos, tho there are a couple of others almost as bad) responsibly , as I know you are, based on what you post and how, but even intermittent use over a fairly brief period of time can cause problems...,

One of them is extreme anxiety, coupled with agitation and emotional lability ....


Senior Member
Hi again ....

I know you assume that you've got it handled because you're using Xanax (one of the MOST addictive of the benzos, tho there are a couple of others almost as bad) responsibly , as I know you are, based on what you post and how, but even intermittent use over a fairly brief period of time can cause problems...,

One of them is extreme anxiety, coupled with agitation and emotional lability ....

Yeah if I don't have to I use Clonazepam as I find it a bit softer.
I can't see how Xanax is addictive as I'm always happy when I don't need it anymore.
So far this has always been working out and I got weeks without.
I do get a short rebound anxiety sometimes but not always.
I never had to take more than 0,5-1

Unfortunately it's the only thing that didn't create more problems. In fact I just tried a migraine medication recently and it put me in a severe crash. Could have been avoided probably with a benzo.

When I was mild I used one per month. Maximum!

However, I don't see my mental PEM as Xanax withdrawal at all. They are my CFS. This might be a bit unusual. But I do get nervous system attacks from minor activity however it is hard to plan. For example I was pacing well in bed for a week then bam - out of the blue - worsening of state and attack.

For instance, I have taken it two times two weeks ago. Then had periods where I could do without (have to take something for doctors appointments as I literally can't travel otherwise - at the moment can't at all as I've lost ability to speak without crashes) - and then I overdo it and have an extreme anxiety attack. But with or without Xanax!

It's not actually anxiety.
It's like my nervous system crashes from little things in cycles.
Like, I talk and then have to stop and go through an attack.

I am liberally beyond the issue of addiction.
And I will make sure to not take more than needed.

I don't know whether it helps or hinders the worst neurological crashes. It makes them more bearable and I would probably have killed myself a couple of times because it literally eats my brain.

So, I am aggressively resting.

Sound sensitivity coupled with anxiety attacks is also pretty bad.

I know that Whitney Dafoe takes Ativan to function when he needs to.
With me it's similar although I know I'll pay the price.

Not increased anxiety usually. I haven't found this connection. I might use it then crash a day later. Not sure if I would have done anyways.

Anyways. I think once you are severe severe you gotta use your straws.

So, interested to hear what medication worked for the severe.
Particularly such that isn't making worse before working.
I was wondering about mirtazapine. Have tried it once but got rather hyper and intense food craving (not so ideal when eating makes you crash). Any other ideas?
What I am looking for is anything that makes my state more bearable. Have tried most natural things.

Or, what helps me in not getting worse.

Appreciate thoughts.
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