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MCAS caused by parasite die-off

Hey everyone.

I just developed MCAS around a couple months ago after doing an aggressive parasite cleanse, which consisted of a huge amount of garlic.

I felt an intense herx reaction during this cleanse but I decided to push through it, thinking I would feel better after! Instead I started to develop severe itching and insomnia which didn't go away.

I believe now that I had sub-clinical MCAS for many years but that the products of parasite die-off somehow triggered it to manifest in a more active way. Now I have to be extremely careful about diet, supplements, heat, etc - all things I was previously fine with.

At various times, I've tested positive for HHV6, mycoplasma, Lyme, worms, and some others I forget - and I'm not sure which one(s) caused this. I also know I'm moderately heavy metal toxic and that garlic is a chelator of some metals, so that could have also been a culprit.

Do any of you have suggestions for how this can be reversed? I was considering doing another more targeted parasite or heavy metal cleanse with lots of binders to try to remove whatever is triggering my mast cells but I'm afraid that could just make things worse. Right now I'm just focusing on symptom management but I'd like to address the cause(s) in some way, I'm just not sure what the right approach is! Thanks in advance, any information or ideas would be appreciated.


Senior Member
I don't know what supplements you are taking but methionine may be of some help. Obviously, the remaining nutrients are vital for cell function. Methionine supports proper immune function (but there are others of course) and also supports liver function. The other sulfur containing aminos also work in this area (taurine, cysteine and of course glutathione).

Phosphatidylcholine (sunflower) could be of some help since it protects the cell membranes from oxidative stress along with Vitamin E. It (PC) also supports liver function; I have always been helped with liver support. I do a number of other supplements for liver support. Let me know if you want more information.
@LINE Thank you for your suggestions. What form of methionine do you suggest taking, and at what dosage?

Also I'd appreciate hearing more about the supplements you recommend for liver support.


Senior Member
Keep in mind that methionine is part of the methylation cycle which includes other nutrients such as the amino acids taurine and cysteine (NAC is a variant of cysteine) and the cycle also includes the b vitamins. I tend to use less of the aminos, say 500mg. To be on the safe side, a b complex would cover most of the b vitamins which again are involved in the methylation cycle. Observe and make adjustments if needed.

I have used glutathione which supports liver function but also supports immune function. This is the unique part of the molecule

I like to cross treat things which means incorporating different but similar concepts. For liver, methylation listed above is good but I also add the PC Sunflower (PhosphatidylCholine) and typically a milk thistle type of supplement.

I also add some acupressure points, an easy one is the 4 points (the 4 gates) which are 2 points on the hand and 2 on the foot (left and right).

I use a low level red laser (cat toy) and obviously, use necessary precautions, typical treatment time is 2 minutes with the laser pen. The Chinese call the condition Liver Stagnation which they consider a Western disease due to the high amount of toxicity and stress we accumulate.

Lastly, I use some binding agents to collect the toxins which sweeps them out of the body. This prevents reabsorption of the toxins. There are a number of substances you could use, but I like bulk charcoal and take a heaping teaspoon or more.

It is a bit comprehensive but I have refined this over and it works well for me.