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Manuka Honey and Tea Tree Oil for Acid Reflux?


Senior Member
Has anyone tried Manuka Honey or Tea Tree Oil for acid reflux? I keep hearing that it works on it, but I can't gamble the money to try it right now. It's supposed to really help with the stomach acid.


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
A friend gave me a jar of Manuka Honey & I'm sorry to say I didn't like the taste & had to give it away, so can't tell you whether it worked for any health condition.

  • It's supposed to be very good for you (in general).
I've never heard of Tea Tree Oil for acid reflux. Don't take it internally.

  • it's anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, gets rid of parasites
  • anti-inflammatory
  • innumo stimulant
  • cardiotonic
  • venous decongestant
  • phlebotonic (leg veins)
  • neurotonic (equalizing)
  • analgesic
You would use tea tree oil mainly for infections. It's also supposed to be good for CFS - probably mainly because it's anti-viral.

Some people have an allergic reaction to Tea Tree Oil, so if you wanted to use it, you would start with a very low dilution, & test on a small area of skin first.

But I've never heard of it being used for acid reflux.


Senior Member
People with cancer will take it in water because as Victoria said it's anti-fungal which patience get from all the chemo.
Google cancer sites and look for alternative meds and you might find suggestions on doses.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info. The reason it's used for acid reflux is because alot of acid reflux is caused by resistant strains of h. pylori. Manuka honey has been proven to work on those strains. And Manuka honey is made by bees who only produce it from Tea Trees.


Senior Member
Acid reflux...or not enough acid?

Thanks for the info. The reason it's used for acid reflux is because alot of acid reflux is caused by resistant strains of h. pylori. Manuka honey has been proven to work on those strains. And Manuka honey is made by bees who only produce it from Tea Trees.

Hi Carrigon,

Perhaps you've already read this, but if not, some cases of acid reflux may actually be due to not enough stomach acid. A google search on "GERD" and "hypochlorydia" (sp?) will turn up more info.

I know in my case that I need betaine HCL caps -- about 4 or 5 per meal (I used to need EIGHT), or else the food just sits in the ol' stomach for hours. Plus, I don't have much of an appetite...my stomach never growls unless I haven't eaten in like 7 hours or so. But...if I drink more than 8oz of water with a meal, then I'll get 'acid reflux', or what seems to be reflux. If I drink 4-6 ounces with the meal, then no 'reflux'.

I guess I would ask -- do you have a strong appetite? Or...does your food sit in your stomach (delayed gastric emptying?) ???

just my two cents...



Senior Member
I've already tried the HC, didn't do much. Any benefit was barely temporary. I think I have antibiotic resistant h. pylori.


Senior Member
Melbourne, Australia
I've already tried the HC, didn't do much. Any benefit was barely temporary. I think I have antibiotic resistant h. pylori.

Can you take anti-biotics?

A Western Australian Doctor discovered the Helibactor Pylori (sp?) bacteria is responsible for stomach ulcers, therefore to get rid of a stomach ulcer, all you need is the right anti-biotic.

Aloe Vera juice is supposed to be good for stomach problems (I've never tried it). The mucilaginous quality of aloe vera lines the stomach & prevents food acidity causing problems (so they say).

The herb Willow Bark is also good for stomach pain.

Willow Bark - Salix alba
good for rheumatic or inflammatory conditions. Also used to treat stomach disorders & urinary tract ailments.

Aspirin is the synthetic form of the alkaloid (therapeutic constituent of Willow Bark) used in inflammatory conditions. But Aspirin doesn't have the mucilaginous constituents of Willow Bark which protects the stomach.
Aspirin is now made in a coated form which protects the ulcer forming action of the orginal Aspirin. That was why you always had to take aspirin with food. It used to form stomach ulcers with prolonged use.
But if people used Willow Bark which has other parts to PROTECT the stomach, they wouldn't have the problem.

Also, a peppermint oil capsule 15 minutes before meals helps (this I have tried & DID work for me many years ago). If I watch what I eat, I don't have any more stomach problems & haven't had any for about 3 years now.


Senior Member
Antibiotics have no effect on it, tried them. My friend had the same thing, she tested positive for h. pylori, did the antibiotics, didn't fix a thing. She's taking something called Mastic Gum, but it upsets her stomach. She said it does temporarily stop the acid. I haven't tried it yet.


Dear Carrigon, sorry to hear you are suffering. I work for a company in Cambridge which sells Manuka honey and other such stuffs, and I have heard from a few of our customers that they take our Manuka to deal with their reflux issues.

As some of the others have said, the H Pylori can be controlled by Tea tree - Manuka honey has the double advantage of being foraged from the NZ Manuka bush (a relative of what we know as Tea Trea) and having a high enzyme activity which aids digestion in itself; but the disadvantage of being relatively scarce and thus quite expensive.

I had a long conversation to a gentleman who phoned to order a surprising quantity of our Apple Cider Vinegar, swearing that it was the silver bullet for his stomach issues and stocking up for the summer. Our ACV contains a good proportion of Manuka honey in it (about a quarter), but I am unable to explain how the acidity of the vinegar has a positive effect on the acid reflux. I'll ask Jo, my boss and health guru, when she's back in the office.

If you reckon it's worth a try, I'd be happy to send out a free bottle of our Blackcurrant ACV (details here) if you'll promise to let me know what effect it has, and perhaps write me a few words about it? I would love to have a good case study of it's effects against reflux.

[I have just noticed that you're all based in the States (we're currently in the UK and NZ). However, we'll be up and running in Canada in about 5 weeks time so if you're interested and patient we can still try the ACV option!]

- Web Monkey for Green Bay Harvest


Senior Member
Apple cider vinegar has been known to help with the acid. It has alot of minerals and good things in it. Never thought of combining it with honey. I am interested in your offer and would be willing to give you a write up on it. I'll send you a PM.


Senior Member
I will. I'm a big believer in there being things in nature that help. It's just finding those things.