I can not believe you were not able to find physicians knowledgeable in CFS or post-viral infections in Oregon!
There are CFS 'specialists' in and around the Portland area. Most are Naturopaths though and use and integrative approach using Westen, Oriental, Naturopathy to treat CFS patients. IMO the best approach. As you probably know Oregon's Naturopaths have prescribing rights and are thus allowed to prescribe allopathic medicine. I can only give you these Naturopathic links because I am not interested in PCP's, Rheumatologists or other allopathic physician. I know they don't have the answer and are often bound by what insurance tells them, how and what to treat and how long to see a patient.
Besides these physicians there is a wealth of possibilities to get (cheap) treatment if you are willing to step of the beaten path. The Oregon College of Oriental Medicine has excellent clinics when you make an appointment there you often spend 3 hours on a first appointment. Payment is I believe $25 for an appointment.
The National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) has lots community clinics where treatment is also cheap and they are most knowledgeable about post-viral infections.
Than there is the IEP clinic for immune depressed illnesses. They treat in a community session people who have immune compromised illnesses such as HIV CFIDS/ME MS etc.
It's a part of the National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM) community clinics. This not a primary care situation but added treatment.
This is what their info says on the web page:
Immune Enhancement Program (IEP)
2015 SE Hawthorne, Portland
To make an appt.: (503) 233-2101
For the immune compromised. Treatments at IEP are intended to be an adjunct to standard medical care that is received elsewhere. IEP is a medical specialty clinic where adjunctive therapy for a limited group of disorders is offered; this includes: cancer, HIV infection, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hepatitis C, and pain syndromes.
Here is another web site about the IEP program, much more info. They don't specifically mention post-viral or CFIDS/ME but our situation is the same as the HIV or Cancer patients.
I have a few CFIDS phycians listed but you need to call and interview them to see if it 'clicks' between you two. After all you need to feel comfortable with him or her for a long time.
dr. DAIVATI BHARADVAJ, N.D. She even has written a book about it CFIDS. I have not read it because I think it's too expensive.
Jeff Clark, N.D
http://www.truehealthmedicine.com/ Jeff post every now and than on the CFSExperimental list that's how I know he's interested in CFS.
dr. Bob, ROBERT J. SKLOVSKY PHARM. D., N.D., PC in Milwaukee
dr. Lind in Bend
These are just a few I collected when I moved from Europe to Portland and had to find a new dr. If I can find them, you certainly can as well ;-) it takes some time and hefty use of Google and the guts to interview a dr. and not blindly make an appointment and hope for the best.
The FFC clinic in Beaverton is closing its doors patients will be moving to my phycians' clinic, which is to open on July 12 in Lake Oswego. Besides seeing FFC patients 2 days of the week he sees private regular patients the other days. Contact me in private for more info and phone nr.
Naturopaths are trained to be primary care physicians and some do take insurance be sure to ask. Physicians who specialize in depth on CFS mostly take no insurance, not because they want to make loads of money but mostly because the want the insurance companies off their back telling them to not spend more than 15 min. with a patient and which test they are allowed to request.
I had great success with my insurance asking for reimbursement of out of network cost and got all my dr. vists and test reimbursed and my compounded medicine from a different medication insurer.
They do provide you with the right invoice and codes so you can submit it to your insurance.
Hope this helps.