Listen ME: An Amazing Recovery Story

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Phoenix Rising Founder
Here's the complete story. Be warned that it's quite graphic at times.

Besides the fact that this person's recovery was incredibly dramatic, it's also raises alot of issues; his doctor is unknown and he developed his own it really possible that something this effective could appear out of the blue from an unknown doctor working somewhere in America?

Did this person just happen to be the right patient for this technique? Or does this treatment constitute an enormous advance for ME/CFS patients? And if it does how in the world will it get out to them? Lots of knotty issues indeed.

I believe this person implicitly. If it works for him I've got to believe it can work for many others but, of course, only time will tell.

Check It Out at


Senior Member
Amazing, indeed!! Thanks for posting this, Cort. And thanks to the patient for sharing his remarkable story. I can't wait to hear more about this and where it all leads to! I have so many thoughts on it all that I'm not even sure where to begin. :) For now I will just say that I so appreciate the hope.


Senior Member
It really chimes with things I know are wrong with me but just sounds so wonderfully good to be true.............


Phoenix Rising Founder
I know what you mean. Part of the problem is that the story is too good! It would have easier in some ways if he had been less ill and recovered to a lesser extent. We'll certainly see over time how effective it is. We're going to rigorously document how patients do.

Will there be more patient X's? I certainly hope so and for what it's worth I really think so but we'll see.


Patient X

Very interesting recovery story. I can certainly identify with this patient. He mentioned he was too weak for antivirals and the medication would have killed him. This is the boat I am in and I am sure others relate to. I took an antibiotic and it nearly killed me. My body is not detoxifying properly which I think goes along with this illness. I was down to 87 lbs and in the hospital months ago. The treatment sounds logical and offers hope.


What a wonderful story, but I really am not surprised. I'm finding out that healing is possible !

Michael Dessin

Senior Member

Yes, one of the biggest problems folks with M.E. face is the inability to detox. Our ion channels become dysfunctional not allowing for toxins to carry from one cell to another. Furthermore, deranging mineral channel transport. Therefore the body is unable to carry toxins from point A to point B, which is from tissues to the digestive tract and excreted.

Correcting this problem allows the toxins to finally get eliminated!

Yes, the story seems to good to be true, however the entire case has been recorded with documents and those with severe M.E. can certainly relate to many of the symptoms relayed in the story.


Phoenix Rising Founder
I wonder if detoxification is why I've had so much trouble with the things that worked. I really got so that I reacted pretty well to everything but once that energy came my body got really twitchy; I got very jittery, my joints hurt and I would eventually end up with more fatigue not less and ultimately fall into a flu-like state - all this from the stuff that helped me!

I was like that rat in Algernon - I would pop out of ME/CFS for awhile and then slide back in.

I always wondered if I was just releasing stuff my body could handle. With some of these treatments I got nice clean shots of energy, I felt clear and good - and then it would fall apart. Such a strange experience but maybe similar to people who just can't handle treatments.


Senior Member
Cort, that's possible.

My naturopath discovered quickly that any supplements she recommended should be in small doses for me, because I would have such extreme reactions to treatments.

A tincture she gave me my first visit, was a shock. I took one tsp in the afternoon and within hours I hurt all over, from the top of my head to the soles of my feet, was nauseous and the brain fog and body stone were pronounced. Face felt hot and like it should have had little red spots, hot and itchy all over it (it didn't).

Within 24 hrs it eased up quite a bit, but for I don't know, weeks, months, every time I'd take a tsp, I'd get this heat and prickling reaction in my face and sometimes my legs, it would move around a bit.

After many months, this didn't happen anymore though I was still taking the tincture.

She said, it's the die-off. There's lots to die off and your immune system is poorly functioning, so things must be done slowly so as not to make me sicker.

Wish I had more time now..but it's late :) Very interesting blog! It sounds similar to things I have wondered over time... Would love to hear if more have same results.

I've known a few people who have had some improvement and always was one lone Dr. who used his own noggin' and own way of doing a mix of several things others do, but more personally taylored. I don't think reg. medicine will ever have a treatment that works.

It's too bad that these always tend to cost more than most of us could afford. (and no health care plan is ever going to cover).


Senior Member
Hi Zona,

Welcome to the forums.

Nice to meet another Canadian. I am in Ontario, myself.

Glad you could make it.


"It's too bad that these always tend to cost more than most of us could afford. (and no health care plan is ever going to cover)."

I agree. Its a shame that the treatments that are helping me to recover are not covered by my insurance. But I've learned that there are homeopathic formulas that are very effective (IMO) and they aren't too expensive. Of course if you decide to use these powerful formulas, you should do so with the oversight of an alternative medicine practitioner. The best thing about this treatment is that you can do this at your own pace... and at a reasonable price. However... I warn people not to get too caught up in things that will help, but not solve the problem. The homeopathic brands for intracellular bacteria and viruses that I have personally tried and would recommend are:

UNDA formulas (from Germany)
PLEO formulas (also from Germany)
Dr. Jernigan's formulas (Hansa Center)
Detoxosode formulas (I use the one for allergies and fungus/yeast. They also have one for chemical sensitivities)

I know someone who has MCS and fibro and she's now 40% better... thanks to these pathogen killing treatments. I'm getting there myself. Treatment is slow and can make you feel worse (herxing -- detoxing), but this is because the pathogens that are your body are dying off. It is a good thing. There are some very inexpensive things you can do to help with the herxing symptoms. (decrease your dosage.... Epsom salt baths, etc.)


Phoenix Rising Founder
That's right no health plan is going to cover it -a big problem. Don't want to get ahead of myself but virtually the first thing Patient X communicated to me was his desire to start a foundation so that severely people without money could do these kinds of treatments. He was in the thick of it, that's for sure, no money, health fallen apart - he was very lucky that this doctor was willing to treat him pro bono. I think that really stuck with him.


Senior Member
He wants to start a foundation ... that catches my attention.

I have a desire (though that is all I have at this point, no means and no idea how to go about it) to see something come into being for people with no resources.

We're in 2 different countries:) but I would definitely like to learn about how one goes about something like his idea.

There is such crying need for a new system(s) to take care of the vulnerable. The government(s) sure as hell are failing at it. We can wait forever looking to them.

Individuals who care need somehow to be able to get together and make something happen.


In my 22 years of experience of being ill... I have found that the alternative medicine practitioners tend to have more compassion than western medicine practitioners. I know I've had alternative medicine practitioners treat me for FREE because they knew how ill I was and wanted to help. Don't get me wrong... there are still some very, very compassionate western medicine doctors out there, like my Endocrinologist. I am grateful for ALL of these physicians who put the patients first and their greed and egos last.


If patient X starts that foundation, I want to know right away. I've always been good at raising money for non-profit organizations !


Senior Member
I and my husband Al have also been given free naturopathic treatment when needed, and my chiropractor years ago used to do both of us for free as well.

I haven't had the pleasure of getting this from conventional doctors but I'm sure it could happen.....

I like the fact that the alternative practitioners spend way more time with you than the conventional guys. Hours instead of minutes. My naturopath included weekly (and eventually daily emails from me to her) as she recognized that my being able to talk to her about everything in my life was making a difference for me and my recovery.

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be writing on the net now had it not been for this.

For 2 yrs she has been the only person I could consider a friend outside of my family. THAT makes a huge impact.


Senior Member
If patient X starts that foundation, I want to know right away. I've always been good at raising money for non-profit organizations !

Hmmmmm..... so you have experience with this stuff, do you?

Maybe you can teach me some things for us up here north of the border.
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