Lead poisoning and treatment..

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I went to a Dr. Chung in New Jersey who is an M.D. and practices integrative medicine. Through autonomic reflex testing, he said my main problem is lead poisoning. In order to be accurate on this, you have to have urine collected after EDTA. I did this Thursday.

On Thursday I went in and I knew he would say, "your minerals are too low in your body, we can't do this." And, he did. I said, "do it." It wasn't going to change, my minerals are always low. I had the EDTA and felt dizzy.

I came home and fell into bed. Yesterday, I felt a little better but still exhaustion. I had DMPS before and was much worse. Like having to go to the ER worse. So, I am thankful I am not in that place.

Now I am just exhausted. I have been in bed continually.

I have the phone on off. Tomorrow's Easter. I really don't care. What bums me out is, I feel like I need a massive IV of minerals to feel better. I can't afford that. This appt. on Thursday was $175.00.

I want to be rich. I really do.

I am trying to eat food and fruits and I took my minerals and drank some salt! I feel like I need an IV of salt. :(

This doctor is not saying that I don't have CFS, just that my lead is so high that that is why I am remaining so ill.

I wish I could take a drink that would replenish these missing minerals. The drinks, a lot of them have something in them that I am allergic to. I am allergic to almost everything. I tried Emergency and they too have something in them that just doesn't jive with me.

Anyway, that's it.

Happy Easter to all!


Senior Member
Yes, you do have to build up your minerals before chelating, because the chelation will also pull out minerals, besides the lead.

At one point I was taking liquid minerals from Wateroz.com with no problems, but I'm not sure if they're strong enough. I had bad problems with a FIR sauna while doing these minerals.

Later, I chelated out lead and mercury with a pill called Chelex.

For minerals, I was (and still am) doing Therablend and Osteoporosis Forumula from Pharmacare, and additional magnesium potassium aspartate. I had to add some betaine hydrochloride with each meal to get the minerals to absorb.

Of course, your doc should have recommendations for minerals too.

If you're craving salt, by all means dissolve some salt in water and drink that. I take 1tsp of sea salt three times a day. This is a sign of adrenal fatigue.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
This doctor wants me to buy from him every week calcium EDTA chelation mineral replacement which costs $32.00 a week. It's a racket. Thank you for your suggestions. I am going to look into these minerals. Half of the problem is I am not digesting the minerals due to all of my food allergies and the inflammation in my gut. I know that. They tell me to avoid about 50 foods. It's impossible, even my CFS doc agrees. I am on a rotation diet.

I have a fir sauna that you set up in a small space but I can't do it, I am too weak to handle it. I take baths often in hot water and sweat. I can stand that.

Basically, the reason I said do it even if my minerals are low is because they are always low no matter how much I take them. So, I wanted to do the test and get it over with.


Senior Member
Hi Spit

My tests showed extrmemly high lead as well and I am unable to detox. I also have a mass of allergies and have had to give up most foods but my minerals level was not too bad and I attribute that to the green vegetable juices I was taking until the winter.


Senior Member
i tested high for lead aswell, I tested 30 when the suggested maximum level was 2. what level were you guys? and was recommended edta but that it could take years to see results. but no proof that this is whats making me unwell. hmm do we wait for this xmrv thing to hopefully pan out or continue chasing other causes?


Senior Member
Hi Spitfire,

I mix up a poor man’s electrolyte solution, that I think was recommended by Dr. Cheney years ago—a little bit of (maybe about 1/8 teaspoon, or whatever small amount feels right) “No Salt” (potassium chloride) that I get from the supermarket, with about double that amount of sea salt. I don’t notice it doing anything, but I tell myself that at least I’m getting some electrolytes…I also sprinkle both forms of salt liberally on my food.

The lack of absorption is a dilemma. I prefer capsules because I think they’re more likely to be absorbed. Maybe we should be absorbing more things through our skin—like the magnesium oil mentioned on Hysterical Woman’s thread (unfortunately, I found the oil to be too stimulating!). I know someone who claims that she opens her capsules and sometimes makes a paste out of it and puts it on her skin! But that seems like a hassle, and I have yet to try it.

Hopefully your energy will rebound somewhat for Easter.

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Thanks friends! I have such a hard time drinking salt. I want to gag. I have been taking tri salts. Ever hear of them? They are really good for reactions..calming down reactions. I seriously would like to stop chasing heavy metals and this and that. Who the hell knows and it's a lot of money, but I am so tired of being tired, as we all are. I have gotten worse in the last 2 years. I love the magnesium oil on my skin...totally works!

I actually took emergen-C tonight and felt a boost. I needed it because I am so depleted. I take Patricia Kane's E-lyte liquid minerals but I am not absorbing them. We'll see what happens. I am also on bentonite clay.


Senior Member
East Midlands
Hi Spitfire, I'm with Brenda on the juicing, though I green is bad news for me (deoxygenates me, perhaps nitrate reducing bacteria). All mineral supplements have been useless or worse for me.

BTW I'm also kicking out plenty of lead, but not chleating, and even then i felt my mineral balance go haywire. Amy Yasko sees calcium, strontium and ??? fall as lead is excreted. This is without IV chelation. I think she says that significant amounts of lead that the body fails to excrete are laid down in the bone, and as the body becomes able to shift the lead other minerals in the bone are naturally dragged out with it.


senior member
Concord, NH
Hello Fire,

Is your Dr on the Co cure site?

This doctor wants me to buy from him every week calcium EDTA chelation mineral replacement which costs $32.00 a week. It's a racket. Thank you for your suggestions. I am going to look into these minerals. Half of the problem is I am not digesting the minerals due to all of my food allergies and the inflammation in my gut. I know that. They tell me to avoid about 50 foods. It's impossible, even my CFS doc agrees. I am on a rotation diet.

I had elevated Hg and Lead before I did about 3months+ of Cholstramine powder with Chlorella. I bought the Chlorella online from ProHealth and still have a bottle left that I will use before it expires. I had the intial testing done with Drs Data and the more recent with Genova. My lead was 2.4 and HG was 5.47. I see 3 differenct CFS drs and 1 of them which I did not do the 3 mos protocol with thinks the Hg is low, but lowering it more might be helpful?! Have not seen him for months, only gives me 30mins of time with visits.

Just thought I would post some of my experience.



senior member
Concord, NH
forgot to add, do you do any Probiotics for your gut? I have taking some for months now and it has helped a lot!


Misfit Toy

Senior Member
I am not sure if this doctor is affiliated with the co cure. You can find him on the net. Dr. Chung in Moorestown NJ. He is into integrative medicine and does ART. He tests in a kineseology type way. Autonomic Reflex Testing. At this point, I believe this testing because blood work can be a shot in the dark too. To test and make sure though, he had me do the Dr.s Data test. I didn't realize chlorella helped with lead too, just thought it helped with mercury.

What I know is this; my adrenals have tanked. He picked that up right away and said the lead was really affecting them more than anything. I think the food allergies are also the biggest culprit. I do take probiotics. With no benefit. I see nothing positive from taking them.

I am starting on the folapro again. I might leave out the B12 though.


Senior Member
Hi Spitfire,

I can appreciate the food allergy situation—I myself have been (for ages, with scarcely much rotation) on an excruciatingly boring and bland diet which at least avoids the worst of my food sensitivities agitating an already unhappy gut. I feel that in my own case, if I could make some improvement in the gut, that would be huge (I plan to start tinkering with some ideas I’ve gathered from other threads). By the way, I used to speak as you do about probiotics—nothing helped, until someone recommended that I take an enteric-coated probiotic (Jarro-dophilus EPS), which surprisingly gave me some support (although the person who recommended it said it did nothing for her!). I would assume that you also take digestive enzymes (these are a lifeline for me). Also, I get the impression that Dr. Cheney tries to address gut issues first, although I don’t know how successful he is at this. I’ve heard that his “probiotic” of choice these days is goat milk kefir (which I take, although I can’t tell if it’s doing anything, but at least I’ve expanded my very limited diet). Of course there is lots of discussion on this site about the gut…(as well as unblocking methylation—perhaps that was your thought in restarting folapro).

I hope that as you do your lead detox program, that you don’t become a hero (especially if your adrenals are weak). And as I’ve seen mentioned somewhere on this site (I think it was Dr. Yes somewhere)—if you’re feeling bad on a regimen, don’t necessarily assume it’s a herx reaction…and maybe give yourself a break and back off.

Good Luck,

Misfit Toy

Senior Member
Jarro did nothing for me. I am a vet here. I have tried a lot of this stuff. The gut has been one of my biggest problems. I am allergic to all milk products including goats milk, so kefir is out and unless someone wants to make it with something else (because I don't have the energy to make it) I am not going there. I also made sauerkraut and I had basically a million insects in my kitchen from having it out...the way it's supposed to be. The stuff we do to try and get well. It's getting old for me.

I think I need to detox on a much slower scale then most. Maybe only do EDTA once a month. And maybe that is not good enough. Started the folapro today again. We shall see.


Senior Member
Spitfire, sorry you've been having such an awful time. It's discouraging, I know.

For re-mineralization, I do have a kind of odd idea which might work for you. Wayne told me about clay baths, and I tried one with Azomite, a soil amendment (I'd gotten it for my garden and it had gotten wet, so I thought I'd use it this way). It has many different kinds of minerals in. Other clays would probably provide similar benefits.

I would swear that I feel more energized and in less pain after sitting in a bath with a handful of this stuff. Sometimes I add epsom salts, too. Baths seem like a good way to absorb minerals through the skin. There is a way to put clay in an indoor bath without clogging the pipes; I have an outdoor bath with a greywater drain and it doesn't seem to clog that, the clay to water ratio is pretty low. Wayne uses clay footbaths, and he'd be the man to contact if that sounds like a good idea to you.

I think you are smart to start the folapro again, and I think you are smart to do a gradual methylation thing when you are in such a fragile state, not adding all the methylation ingredients at once. I do remember Rich van K saying that to him it looks as if methylation is necessary for any real detox to take place. And that does make sense: methylation blocks mean blocks to your body's passages for eliminating toxins, as I understand it. So if you chelate but the stuff can't get out, that could be at least a piece of the problem. God, this stuff is complex. I hope Easter is giving you some resurrection.


Senior Member
Oh, by the way, you can make kefir with nut milks and soy milks apparently. The kefir grains get acclimated to the new stuff gradually.

I do understand total exhaustion, but kefir is as easy as pouring milk into a mason jar and throwing the grains in. You leave it loosely covered on the counter (needs air) for 24 hours. Then it's done. I do understand just being sick of the whole thing, but if this strikes you as something you'd like to try, PM me for kefir grains.


Senior Member
I mentioned this in another thread, but consider detoxamin (or the cheaper generic Kelatox) for lead chelation.


Senior Member
It is a rectal suppository with edta. The advantage of this is that it goes straight in the bloodstream. Oral and topical edta are very poorly absorbed. Other advantages is that it is more gentle than IV (much smaller dosages, spread out over time) cheaper, and in your own home. I did it, but with hindsight i may not have had lead issues. Although I felt very good on it, but thats probably because edta also kills bacteria in the bloodstream, or some other metal, who knows.

See http://www.detoxamin.com/?gclid=CNmv47qR86ACFd1n5QodqmrDtg