L. paracasei without acidophilus?


Senior Member
Hi everyone
I have high d-lactic acid in my small intestine so I have to stay away from acidophilus. I want to try a probiotic that contains L paracasei due to some interesting things I have read about its effects on the immune system. However, I can't find any probiotics with L paracasei that do not also contain acidophilus or some other d-lactate producing strain of bacteria. Does anyone know where I might be able to find l paracasei by itself? I am also not 100% sure that L. paracasei itself does not produce d-lactate. Does anyone know?

Glynis Steele

Senior Member
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
Hi Liz,

Was your d-lactate test done by mainstream docs? If so, it might be worthwhile looking into this, as usually high d-lactate levels are only seen in short bowel patients. A GI would need to test for it, and treat, monitor etc. A healthy human is not meant to have any d-lactic normal levels are 0.0-0.25, in blood samples. I have put a thread on the Latest Research section if you are interested. There is a study due to commence following up on the KDM/CFS/D-Lactic study, this time also testing blood, urine and stools of CFS patients, to see whether more d-lactic is being produced in CFS patients.

I can send you some d-lactic stuff by PM, if you are interested.

According to the link below, I think L paracasei does produce both L and D-lactic.

"Only L. paracasei NCDC 17 produces both D and L lactic in approximately equal amounts"


Best Wishes

Glynis x


Senior Member
Thanks Glynis
Darn, sorry to hear about the paracasei, but I am glad you told me. I have custom probiotics d-lactate free stuff plus culturelle. Is that what you take? My test was done by metametrix, which is a pretty good one, I think.

Glynis Steele

Senior Member
Newcastle upon Tyne UK
I don't take probiotics at all. I have not got a dx of CFS. I had flu a few years ago, which I not recovered from, exercise makes me feel worse etc. but I found myself here at PR after reading the KDM/d-lactic/CFS study. I was looking into d-lactic for my daughter's condition.

Maybe if you show your doc your test results and the KDM/d-lactic study, he might refer you for testing with a GI. D-lactic is not part of a regular doc's training, and GI's only see it in short bowel patients, but I suppose it might be worth a try. I have PM'd you with a few bits and pieces that might help.

Glynis x


Senior Member
From my own experience and months of talking to pple here on PR most PWC do not need the Lactobacillus group of probiotics but need the Bifidum or Bifibdobacteria group or probiotics instead.