Hi everyone
I have high d-lactic acid in my small intestine so I have to stay away from acidophilus. I want to try a probiotic that contains L paracasei due to some interesting things I have read about its effects on the immune system. However, I can't find any probiotics with L paracasei that do not also contain acidophilus or some other d-lactate producing strain of bacteria. Does anyone know where I might be able to find l paracasei by itself? I am also not 100% sure that L. paracasei itself does not produce d-lactate. Does anyone know?
I have high d-lactic acid in my small intestine so I have to stay away from acidophilus. I want to try a probiotic that contains L paracasei due to some interesting things I have read about its effects on the immune system. However, I can't find any probiotics with L paracasei that do not also contain acidophilus or some other d-lactate producing strain of bacteria. Does anyone know where I might be able to find l paracasei by itself? I am also not 100% sure that L. paracasei itself does not produce d-lactate. Does anyone know?