Hi everybody,
I've had some messages wondering about where I've been and what's up.
Well, I got some 'alternative therapy' and it was pretty much miraculous. I've ummed and ahhed about posting this because I a) wasn't sure whether anybody would believe me and b) wanted to test my health a little bit to make sure it was real. I have indeed gone from Bell scale 50 to 90 in a couple of days and I've been out tasting freedom and catching up on all the urgent work that was left unattended while I've been sick.
Here's my story, extracted from a blog post that I wrote:
Sunday evening this week marked the third time Id managed to struggle up our church steps in four months. The only reason we were there was because the talk that evening was to be on simplicity, a topic thats currently close to my OHs heart.
I had the beginnings of a cold, and I was terrified that it might set back my progress right to the start, like the last cold I had leaving me bedbound and miserable again raising the spectre of another sleepless night in hospital.
I was in no state to stand for the sung worship, which blocked my view of the lyrics screens, and by the end of the first few songs, my voice had cracked and gone. All I could do was open my palms to the heavens and mouth the words that I could remember.
My dry and aching throat threatened to trigger a series of eye-watering coughs. I realised that there was no way I could possibly get up to fetch a glass of water; even if I crawled there, I wouldnt be able to bring it back. I started to swallow frantically and wished so hard that I could suck a throat sweet. It was a few minutes after that wish that a packet of blackcurrant flavoured Halls Soothers appeared in front of me; a friend 2 seats away was handing them round. It was the perfect answer to my internal cry.
A minor coincidence, perhaps.
But then, towards the end of the service, our curate announced the regular request for those who wanted prayer to come forward. I stood up and began the long, unsteady shuffle toward the prayer team. I explained to them that I had an important week ahead, including business meetings in central London, and I was concerned that attending them might mean a serious setback for me, especially as I had brewed up a dangerous cold.
They began to pray for me. Again, I opened my hands and mumbled the occasional Amen.
Then, the back of my head and neck started to burn. I wondered how I could move away from the heater behind me, as it was starting to get uncomfortable. The prayers became more intense and I collapsed forward onto the floor, my face down. But down there on the floor, as the prayers continued, the back of my head and neck were still hot.
After perhaps ten or twenty minutes the prayers subsided. I sat up and turned round to see where the heat had been coming from. There was no heater.
I realised that it must have been God doing a healing work in my brain and spinal column. (This phenomenon began to make sense, as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis literally means inflammation of the brain and spinal cord with muscle pain.)
I stood up fully expecting to be able to run down the aisle, but was disappointed as the familiar unbalanced heaviness returned.
I was then distracted by friends who had gathered, waiting to speak to me, and after some discussions and jolly catch-ups, caught a lift home. As I got out of the car, I ran towards our block of flats without thinking. Dave followed me in, and I hit a sharp pace. I bounded up the forty steps to our flat, and Dave said You know, youre really beating me up these stairs and then and then I dared to entertain the possibility that I might have received total healing.
Once inside our flat, I excitedly performed the only diagnostic test for M.E. that I can do by myself Rombergs Test. I stood with my feet together and I was able to balance perfectly with ease. (Only a few days before, I was unable to balance like this; I would wobble right over within a second or two.)
The next morning I tried again perfect balance.
Still cautious, I headed in to work. I was there for four hours with no shakiness, no heavy-limbed shuffling. I caught the taxi home and dashed up the stairs. A bubble of joy began to grow inside my heart.
Then on Tuesday I was able to head in to central London (thanks to the assistance of two very generous and helpful friends) to take what turned out to be a very unpleasant EMG test. After having electric shocks sent down the nerves in my fingers and toes, then flexing my muscles while they were pierced with needles, you might think I would be in no fit state to attend a crucial sales meeting.
Actually, I was fine.
About ten flights of stairs, a long walk and two tube journeys later, I was fresh as a daisy.
I continue to be a bit weak, my muscles cramp up easily after four months of disuse, and I still have this wretched cold. I know Ill need to take it easy so as not to injure myself while running to meetings.
However, with all that in mind, I can only attribute this remarkable transformation to the healing power of God. Its funny; I just didnt see it coming but it is truly wonderful.
Rachel xx
I've had some messages wondering about where I've been and what's up.
Well, I got some 'alternative therapy' and it was pretty much miraculous. I've ummed and ahhed about posting this because I a) wasn't sure whether anybody would believe me and b) wanted to test my health a little bit to make sure it was real. I have indeed gone from Bell scale 50 to 90 in a couple of days and I've been out tasting freedom and catching up on all the urgent work that was left unattended while I've been sick.
Here's my story, extracted from a blog post that I wrote:
Sunday evening this week marked the third time Id managed to struggle up our church steps in four months. The only reason we were there was because the talk that evening was to be on simplicity, a topic thats currently close to my OHs heart.
I had the beginnings of a cold, and I was terrified that it might set back my progress right to the start, like the last cold I had leaving me bedbound and miserable again raising the spectre of another sleepless night in hospital.
I was in no state to stand for the sung worship, which blocked my view of the lyrics screens, and by the end of the first few songs, my voice had cracked and gone. All I could do was open my palms to the heavens and mouth the words that I could remember.
My dry and aching throat threatened to trigger a series of eye-watering coughs. I realised that there was no way I could possibly get up to fetch a glass of water; even if I crawled there, I wouldnt be able to bring it back. I started to swallow frantically and wished so hard that I could suck a throat sweet. It was a few minutes after that wish that a packet of blackcurrant flavoured Halls Soothers appeared in front of me; a friend 2 seats away was handing them round. It was the perfect answer to my internal cry.
A minor coincidence, perhaps.
But then, towards the end of the service, our curate announced the regular request for those who wanted prayer to come forward. I stood up and began the long, unsteady shuffle toward the prayer team. I explained to them that I had an important week ahead, including business meetings in central London, and I was concerned that attending them might mean a serious setback for me, especially as I had brewed up a dangerous cold.
They began to pray for me. Again, I opened my hands and mumbled the occasional Amen.
Then, the back of my head and neck started to burn. I wondered how I could move away from the heater behind me, as it was starting to get uncomfortable. The prayers became more intense and I collapsed forward onto the floor, my face down. But down there on the floor, as the prayers continued, the back of my head and neck were still hot.
After perhaps ten or twenty minutes the prayers subsided. I sat up and turned round to see where the heat had been coming from. There was no heater.
I realised that it must have been God doing a healing work in my brain and spinal column. (This phenomenon began to make sense, as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis literally means inflammation of the brain and spinal cord with muscle pain.)
I stood up fully expecting to be able to run down the aisle, but was disappointed as the familiar unbalanced heaviness returned.
I was then distracted by friends who had gathered, waiting to speak to me, and after some discussions and jolly catch-ups, caught a lift home. As I got out of the car, I ran towards our block of flats without thinking. Dave followed me in, and I hit a sharp pace. I bounded up the forty steps to our flat, and Dave said You know, youre really beating me up these stairs and then and then I dared to entertain the possibility that I might have received total healing.
Once inside our flat, I excitedly performed the only diagnostic test for M.E. that I can do by myself Rombergs Test. I stood with my feet together and I was able to balance perfectly with ease. (Only a few days before, I was unable to balance like this; I would wobble right over within a second or two.)
The next morning I tried again perfect balance.
Still cautious, I headed in to work. I was there for four hours with no shakiness, no heavy-limbed shuffling. I caught the taxi home and dashed up the stairs. A bubble of joy began to grow inside my heart.
Then on Tuesday I was able to head in to central London (thanks to the assistance of two very generous and helpful friends) to take what turned out to be a very unpleasant EMG test. After having electric shocks sent down the nerves in my fingers and toes, then flexing my muscles while they were pierced with needles, you might think I would be in no fit state to attend a crucial sales meeting.
Actually, I was fine.
About ten flights of stairs, a long walk and two tube journeys later, I was fresh as a daisy.
I continue to be a bit weak, my muscles cramp up easily after four months of disuse, and I still have this wretched cold. I know Ill need to take it easy so as not to injure myself while running to meetings.
However, with all that in mind, I can only attribute this remarkable transformation to the healing power of God. Its funny; I just didnt see it coming but it is truly wonderful.
Rachel xx