This is the face of severe ME/CFS ! What a good news report !
Aruschima, thanks for noticing the video (I posted the same one on a different thread a few day ago, but I'm glad it's making its way around).
August59, that is a good suggestion.
LaurelW - do you have a Mac by any chance? If you do, since it is a Windows video, all you need to do is download a free application like Flip4Mac and should work.
Me is realist - it is a good video, I'm glad you liked it. (Just fyi, "Japs" is an ethnic slur and people of Japanese descent (including Americans who fought for the US in WWII) find it highly offensive.)
I do. I'm sorry but I have to sign out right now, but this will be dealt with.ME is Realist, I don't mind you calling me anal retentive, but use of what is an undebatable ethnic slur should not be tolerated. I hope the moderators agree this is a rare back and white issue.