Japanese call for XMRV research (severe ME


Daughters High School Graduation
Upstate SC, USA
I thought that was a pretty good video. It would be good for WPI to be proactive and try and contact the researcher in the video and offer positive samples and thoroughly explain proper sample prep and techniques required to find xmrv.


Senior Member
Aruschima, thanks for noticing the video (I posted the same one on a different thread a few day ago, but I'm glad it's making its way around).

August59, that is a good suggestion.

LaurelW - do you have a Mac by any chance? If you do, since it is a Windows video, all you need to do is download a free application like Flip4Mac and should work.

Me is realist - it is a good video, I'm glad you liked it. (Just fyi, "Japs" is an ethnic slur and people of Japanese descent (including Americans who fought for the US in WWII) find it highly offensive.)


Senior Member
I have a PC, but I'm using Google Chrome and it wouldn't work for some reason. I got onto Internet Explorer and I was able to download it and watch it. Very good video! I corresponded with a Japanese woman with CFS for a while and met her when I was there in 2009. She goes to Osaka every month to see her doctors. It seems like that is one of the good CFS centers. They had her on some Chinese medicine formula that she said was helping somewhat, but I have no idea what was in it. I've since lost touch with her.
Aruschima, thanks for noticing the video (I posted the same one on a different thread a few day ago, but I'm glad it's making its way around).

August59, that is a good suggestion.

LaurelW - do you have a Mac by any chance? If you do, since it is a Windows video, all you need to do is download a free application like Flip4Mac and should work.

Me is realist - it is a good video, I'm glad you liked it. (Just fyi, "Japs" is an ethnic slur and people of Japanese descent (including Americans who fought for the US in WWII) find it highly offensive.)

Ohmygod I can't believe you\re such an anal retent...


Senior Member
the city
"17 MILLION STRONG".....the reported said 17m around the world. this number is incorrect. JUST based on reported cases in the united states there are 4.5million and remember 40-60% that have cfs are going undiagnosed. I would estimate there are close to 17million JUST in the US ALONE ! :)


Senior Member
Sofa, UK
ME is Realist, I don't mind you calling me anal retentive, but use of what is an undebatable ethnic slur should not be tolerated. I hope the moderators agree this is a rare back and white issue.
I do. I'm sorry but I have to sign out right now, but this will be dealt with.