I can’t get ahold of ampligen but i would prob take it.
The relative risk between ampligen and ivermectin seems pretty far apart. How do you view the relative risk between ampligen and ivermectin? One is a not FDA approved drug, experimental, very short research history, limited understanding on it's mechanism, and only studied narrowly on a very few diseases. The other is FDA approved, very old drug with long research history, including applications outside of it's initial/main mechanism.
Now, that's not to say I wouldn't take ampligen. I probably would too in long covid, especially sooner than later after getting long covid. One proposed theory is that the interferon response and balance is disrupted in long covid due to the acute infection and that ampligen may help reset that balance. As such, it may (according to this theory) have a higher likely hood of success if done soon after the start of long covid, before any long term damage or changes may occur.
Also, I would encourage you to research more into Ampligen and it's effects in ME/CFS patients. I am not disencouraging you, but want you to have a complete understanding. As I have permanently worsened myself by trying things without a complete and deep understanding of the risks. Back when it was in vogue and popular in ME/CFS, there were many anecdotal first hand accounts of terrible reactions to it and worsened many patients. I didn't pursue it for that reason. You can read some of those stories here on PR.
@crypt0cu1t yeah i got cfs after i got covid. So maybe this would help because of that. But it feels i got over covid awhile ago, and now its more a severe pem problem. Although my covid wasnt like most, it was neuro immediately.
This is how my ME/CFS presented and I never really had physical symptoms/fatigue/pem until a failed methylation treatment (Fredd Protocol). One theory is that the ME/CFS/Long Covid mechanism can be located in different parts of the body and affect only those areas, causing the wide range of symptoms between patients.
I had permenant and significant success (but not complete) treating my cognitive dysfunction with HBOT. But I don't know of any long covid anecdotes with HBOT. But it may be something to look and ask about in the long covid support forums.