Seriously i need to vent, for me it hasn't even been 8 months since i got something infectious back in May during sexual intercourse my condom broke and i didn't notice it till i was done, a few weeks after, i noticed there was something very wrong with me because i started to feel a bunch of different symptoms which i had never seen or felt in my life then suddenly somewhere around six weeks of being sick i had a "viral spike" and got really sick with all sorts of symptoms and complains including a really bad rash in my back(multiple eruptive dermatofibromas i still have a few of them) after this "viral spike" i was really sick for like two moths in a row and lost a lot of weight all the symptoms then started to quite down but not to go away, in the mean time i was freaking out thinking i had gotten HIV but the tests kept coming back negative and every time i went for a new test and told the doctors and counselors about my symptoms they would tell me to be strong because my symptoms mimic HIV a lot but were also surprised also to know that i had previously tested for HIV and it was negative anyways this went on for about 5 and a half months testing for HIV 1/2/0 and full panels of sdts at different clinics and hospitals in total i took like 10-12 HIV tests including PCRs Quantitative and Qualitative many many antibodies tests and kept coming back negative the reason i kept testing is because i was convinced i had gotten HIV but then i realized test would have been positive at some point if that was the case then i turned my attention to HTLV specially because HTLV seems to cause progressive brain demyelination to some people and i had recently gotten my brain MRI results back and it showed brain demyelination tested for HTLV 1/2 several times negative i was convincing myself that i was fine every time i had some test done i would feel good for about 30 minutes because i was relieved that my test was negative but the symptoms didn't go away, finally i started reading everything about XMRV and it hit me, i remember the girl i was with told me at some point that she would faint all the time and that she was really tired all the time and they were trying to figure out why, she actually doesn't work because she's in pain all the time, so i thought damn maybe i got this new virus, while i haven't tested for this virus yet a couple of doctors who i met recently told me that my symptoms mimic HIV and they both told me that is obvious that i got some sort of retrovirus, my current symptoms are brain demyelination, major IBS problems, extreme fatigue(feels more as if i had been beaten with clubs) major lower back pain, feel intoxicated, major cognitive problems, shaking all the time feel as if i was gonna have a seizure, spleen pain, white thrush, swollen tongue with teeth marks on side, and all sorts of weird feeling in my head including tingling in head, numbness on face, hot and cold sensations in head, feel as if i was hung over but i don't drink, and lately i have noticed tingling in feet toes and fingers and also i can't move my right arm to scratch my head(because of thinning of myelin sheat) after all this it really makes me wonder how some people have survived this long with this damn condition it hasn't even been a year for me but i feel worse and feel more disabled by the week over the past week the last though in my head before i go to sleep is "i wish i don't wake up tomorrow" i know it's depressing but i can't function anymore i can't work as i used to im the slowest guy now in everything i do , 9 months ago i was going to the gym and i could run 4 miles none stop now i can't even get from my car to my third floor condo with out feeling like my heart is gonna blow and also feeling like i can't breath, seriously how can anyone survive this? i finally found some good doctors who are willing to treat me but i have been feeling so bad this past week that it's making ask myself if it is really worth trying to get better or if it is easier just to call it quits in any case i was approved for a $250000 life insurance today (which i got thinking about my health problems) according to their labs im in excellent health so lucky for me, but in reality every day now is a huge struggle it makes me think of many ways to kill myself and make it look like an accident, i don't have the guts to do it i think but my health is so bad that sometimes it seems to me like it would be better to stop living and be done with it.....i know it sounds depressing and im sorry for feeling like this my my life went from being a perfect life to horrible hell in just a few months...i do feel better when i read good news about XMRV but my health is getting worse and worse by the day and the good news about XMRV only come around once or twice a month if we get lucky..