Is Cancer a SYMPTOM of XMRV? and should cancer patients be tested for XMRV?


Senior Member
I have two neighbors with cancer. One is a woman who has been battling ovarian cancer for at least 10 years. The second (in a different household) has recently been diagnosed as stage 4 with adenocarcinoma of the tonsils.

I have not had any conversations with any neighbors about XMRV, but am considering sending them information on the studies and encouraging them to get tested.

I wonder if the Cleveland Clinic would be interested in the tonsil tissue? Do you think that they are getting swamped with folks offering tissue?

I am concerned that oncologist have no idea that XMRV even exists.

What do forum members think about the idea that all patients with adenocarcinomas (cancer of the lymph tissues) be tested for XMRV. Has WPI or Cleveland given any guidance on this?