I hear some different opinions on an inversion table for POTS sufferers.
I'm thinking bloodflow to the head might always be helpful, but I've read one or two people not recommending an inversion table.
Any comments ?
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I tried to post an answer the other day but it doesn’t seem to have worked. Apologies if it shows up later and I’ve answered twice.
Yes, I have tried “sitting upside down” to relieve OI symptoms. (Note: I have chronic OI, not POTS.)
Basically, I sit on my couch, then rotate 180 degrees atvthe hips so my feet are where my head would be and my head is where my feet would be.
I stay like this for about a minute. It temporarily relieves my OI symptoms, but they creep back in 15–30 minutes.
As another person suggested, you could try lying with your head off the edge of your bed plus cushions arranged to elevate the body to approximate the effects of an inversion table. Or maybe try it out with your physio, if you have one and they have a treatment table that tilts.
I find bending forward unpleasant, yet being with my head down is okay. I think when you bend forward, some of the discomfort can be from compressing your abdomen and lungs.
Anyway, I would say to cautiously give it a try using bed/cushions and with somebody standing by to help you up (but not if you have a neck injury or instability or any other condition e.g. reflux that might be adversely affected by putting your body in this position or the strain of doing so).