Invest in ME Conference DVD ready


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
[FONT=&quot]Everyone should buy a copy! No excuses. Invest in Me are one of the few charities who are fighting for us, and as they are research focussed the fruits of their effort should be felt worldwide. Buy the DVD. Make a donation if you can afford it. Support Biomedical Research!

[FONT=&quot]DVDs can be ordered by clicking here[/FONT]

Dear Friends[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The DVD of the 5th international ME/CFS Conference will begin to be distributed to you from next week. We thank you for your patience in waiting for the DVD and we hope youll enjoy it.[/FONT]
Apart from the presentations at the conference the DVD also includes a two hour brainstorm session organized by Invest in ME to discuss issues with ME/CFS research. We think this will be worth [/FONT]

Wed like to mention that the DVD is copyrighted and we would appreciate your support for us in asking for it not to be copied or distributed outside of the formal IiME purchase method. We have tried to make the cost of the DVD as low as possible for those purchasing it and as accessible as possible to as many as possible by heavily subsiding its production. If we were to ever break even on the costs of the DVD then any profits would go toward funding or supporting biomedical research or educating and creating awareness of the need for biomedical research.
[FONT=&quot]We shall be distributing the DVD to people and organisations whom we think may be influential in helping to change the ME is perceived or who may help us in our projects to undertake biomedical research.[/FONT]
We will add a trailer for the DVD to our web site in due course. [/FONT]

The Invest in ME conference DVDs have been used by doctors to claim CPD points and we would ask you to support us by making your GP or local hospital interested in purchasing the DVD set.[/FONT]

Also we would appreciate any feedback you have of the DVD.[/FONT]

Thank you again for your support.[/FONT]

Best Wishes[/FONT]

Invest in ME
[/FONT][FONT=&quot](UK Reg. Charity Nr. 1114035)

Support ME Awareness - support biomedical research into ME



Senior Member
Thanks Garcia

It was such a privilege to be there, and get to see Judy and Annette, if only in the lobby. I will order one right away.