interferon inducers Amixin, Kagocel, enteroviral infections


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Thought this might be of interest to those looking into treating enteroviral infections. My old friend cyloferon is mention for other indications in this link.

This review describes a long-standing experience of screening for interferon (IFN) inducers in Russia. IFN inducers represent a special group of potential antiviral compounds. The main requirements for them are (1) high IFN-inducing activity, (2) absence of side effects, (3) wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity, (4) broad therapeutic security and, (5) good solubility in water and biologic liquids. IFN inducers stimulate IFN production in different cells and organs, and that determines the strategy for their application. Amixin (OOO "Lancepharm," Moscow, Russia) induces IFN-?/? production mostly in T cells. Cycloferon (NTFF "Polysan," St. Petersburg, Russia) stimulates B cells and macrophages to produce almost pure IFN-?. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) and polyphenols of natural origin stimulate IFN production in different populations of immunocytes. Only polymers, such as Larifan (Riga, Latvia), Kagocel ("NIARnedicplus," Moscow, Russia), and Ragosin (N.F. Gamaleya Institute, Moscow, Russia), induce IFN synthesis in muscles, so they may be effective against rabies. Cycloferon, Larifan, and Kagocel, which induce IFN formation in lungs, may be effective against influenza and rhinoviral infections. Cycloferon and Larifan stimulate IFN production in liver and spleen and may be effective against hepatitis B. Oral compounds (Amixin, Kagocel) that stimulate IFN production in intestines may be effective against hepatitis A and enteroviral infections. Low molecular weight inducers (Amixin, Cycloferon, Kagocel) that penetrate the blood-brain barrier may be active against viral encephalitis. At present, clinical trials of IFN inducers are limited, but in the near future, IFN inducers may be used against very different infections and conditions.

Increasing interferon helps increase nk cell activity as well as having direct antiviral properties.

Since my son and I both battle enetroviruses as welln as other pathogens, we are thinking of trying Chia'snidea (listed on Stanford website)

Equilibrant, an herbal preparation made in the U.S. also known as "Oxymatrine," is an immune modulator that helps to shift immune response to the Th1 direction (see note below). Patients should start slowly and work up to no more than 2-3 tablets twice a day. Patients can order equilibrant from or find out more information by emailing info at equilibranthealth dot com. It helps about 50% of the patients and is affordable. No prescription is necessary. However, symptoms can sometimes worsen initially as the immune system adjusts, so it is important to be able to follow up with a physician while taking this herbal preparation.

NOTE: Th1 and Th2 are acronyms for T-helper cell 1 and T-helper cell 2 responses. These two responses can be imagined like the two ends of a see-saw. At rest, the two responses are neutral, symbolized by a horizontal see-saw. In order to fight viral infections, the immune system shifts up the Th1-side. When the viral infection is gone, the see-saw will return to a neutral position. If the virus infection is fought with the Th2 response, the Th1-side is shifted downwards, the viruses would survive the immune attack, and persist in the body. Thus shifting immune response back in the Th1 direction can be beneficial for some patients.