usually 1-2 weeks but it really depends on how much I go up on the dose and whether or not I add in others or increase any others around the same time. I take great care to avoid adding in two methyl groups at the same time, whether they're new or I'm just increasing them (& below is a list of them to help with that). But I also notice that even increasing a methyl group with something else that's likely to increase my start-up symptoms, like a whole capsule of vit K, will lead to just enough detox and start up to wire me or make me feel like crud.
My doctor advised me on some things that really made alotta sense and saved me alotta money in the end. Her feeling was, why take a whole capsule of most things if you may not need it? And why not add it in slower just to allow your body time to adjust so that you won't have these annoying symptoms? Example, I had a bunch of issues when I started vit K but since it was a typical, ordinary vitamin, I didn't even recognize that my sudden exhaustion and irritabiliy (right after starting it), were related. I blamed it on a bug, even though the symptoms stopped when I was so tired that I forgot to take it again the next day but then they started right back up on the next day when I did remember. It never occurred to me to poke a hole in the gel cap with a tack or pin and squeeze a small blob onto some food! But I do this now routinely and by doing so, I gradually moved up to a bigger blob without needing an entire cap and saving money (Life extensions brand is one of the best but $1 each and as we all know, these really can add up. So I take bigger blobs when I'm on my cycle and smaller blobs in between and tolerate it just fine either way, even if I get lazy on a trip and take a whole one, but I don't need to buy a bottle every single month, more like every 3-4 months.
So I do this with many things but especially anything likely to "detox" me. Now, I rarely have disabling startup symptoms and believe it or not, I do feel these teensy doses as I go up. And, whenever I feel lazy and take too much of one of these, I usually regret it. It might take longer to do things this way but I hate feeling lousy! Also, I really watch my times on these increases so that I won't take any methyl B12 after 3pm since it tends to wire me.
Methyl donors:
methyl THF, Methyl B 12
Some types of carnitine (Not fumarate version)
Melatonin (but its actually calming in those not COMT +|+
Phosphatidylserine isn't techically a methyl donor but can act as one
drugs like Ritalin, Adderall, & other ADHD drugs (thats why they work so well)
And there are probably others but this is all I can think of right now.
But anytime you get the mitochondria/Kreb cycle moving you can usually expect more start up, too. Maybe it won't be bad or anything but you'll probably notice something.
I believe the theories about methylation and other biochemistry cycle start up that goes something like this "if you're not feeling anything, its probably not doing much for you but when you feel a bit lousy, you know its working.". The key part of this phrase being "a bit" rather than feeling God awful and just trying to push through it.
anyway, hope this helps!
Thanks Angela
How long do these symptoms take to pass? Do they recur for you each time you increase methyl groups?
Thank you