Biomats / Saunas
Hi; We have a store here in Victoria, BC, with BioMats, and the kind owner gave me a complementary session with one the other day; wonderful sense of being heated from the inside--micro-waved, rather than grilled. Very relaxing!
Japanese researchers have treated CFS using a dry FIR sauna, with excellent results--PMID 15992574, PMID 17561703; chief researcher A. Masuda. Here are quotes: "symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and low-grade fever were dramatically improved on two patients...On other 11 patients with CFS, physical symptoms such as fatigue and pain improved too." The earlier study on 2 patients used daily sessions for 35 days and then one or two a week; the sauna was set at 60 Centigrade with "postsauna warming", whatever that is.
I think I will have to buy a BioMat--expensive here in Canada. Full length, or Mini? The Mini (34 ins x 20) would cover the whole torso, and uses alternate rows of amethyst and tourmaline. Has anyone used the Mini? Any comments? Like Sushi and others, I find the idea of a foldable mat much more space friendly than a sauna, so this is the way I shall go. I slept well after the session, but since I also had a free session with an MSR2000 immediately afterwards, don't know which was responsible--will post on that in the electromagnetic thread. Best, Chris