Infrared Saunas



Infrared Saunas are great for a number of health conditions. They help with pain and detoxification. I have used one a few times, but it takes me a while to work up a sweat and you must be careful that you are not too weak and your elimination organs are functioning properly because some toxins when released get into your bloodstream and have to be eliminated via your liver, kidneys, and intestines. When you sweat, toxins are excreted through your skin.


Phoenix Rising Founder
I'd really like to try one. I have a normal sauna. I did Dr. Rea's sauna treatment; six weeks - I felt like crap throughout the whole thing but three days later I was flying! So I bought a regular sauna but its a tough treatment at times; its like working out. Sometimes I feel so clear afterwards but other times I'm so tired. Its a love hate relationship for me, that's for sure. I sure do love sitting in them, though.

I got it before the infrared saunas got popular unfortunately.
an island in Florida
Sell it on Craigs list, and buy the one you want. My Doctor highly recommends them for detoxification in a more healthy way than the regular saunas. My guess is that you wouldn't feel so tired if you had the proper sauna for your physical challenge.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Everyone,

New Member! I needed an infrared sauna that took up little space and was portable. I found the BioMat, which is a mat! But with a lot of great features and it helps me a lot--particularly with detox. You can Google BioMat and there are a lot of distributors, but its unique characteristic is that it passes the infrared rays through a layer of amethyst to enhance them. It also has multiple heat settings, emits negative ions and has some sort of technology that negates any possible EMF that could be created.

You can simply lie on it at one of the lower heat settings, or for the sauna effect, cover with natural fiber blankets and even non-sweaters (I was one) start to sweat. I am pleased with it and it does seem to deal with toxins in ways other than simply eliminating them through sweating. It also seems to activate kidney action for me. I always feel better the next day after using it.

Not selling the things! But for those with limited space, it is an option. I got a "gently used" one that had been used for demos at health fairs.



Senior Member
Hi Sushi,

Welcome to the forums.

I do a little freelance work and recently did some copywriting for a website. It involved doing some research on portable saunas. Not sure if they make portable infrareds but you could google it to find out.

Apparently you can buy these portable things, they're a bit like tents that you can plug in, pour in some water and be ready to go. You can get some that allow you to put a chair inside it, and with hand-holes, so you can sit in your chair and read a book or whatever and get steamed. Some I think you can lie down in.

They fold up small when not in use and you can take them anywhere. Not as expensive as the traditional saunas either.

I don't really know if they're any good:D as the people I was writing for were selling them so ... who knows? But the things are out there, anyway.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Thanks Jody!

I have actually tried one of these and considered buying one. The concern that I have read about these units is whether the material out-gases. This is not a problem for the more permanent units made of the right type of wood.

I have no idea whether this is really a problem, but it could possibly be for those who are chemically sensitive.

Just another consideration, and an unknown until someone tests them somehow.



Senior Member

Good point about the out-gasing. That is something a sick person would want to look into first for sure.
Does anyone else have a biomat-- i tried one at a conference yeaterday and it felt sooo wonderful? am thinking about getting one--where do you find them used?



Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Biomats / Saunas

Hi; We have a store here in Victoria, BC, with BioMats, and the kind owner gave me a complementary session with one the other day; wonderful sense of being heated from the inside--micro-waved, rather than grilled. Very relaxing!
Japanese researchers have treated CFS using a dry FIR sauna, with excellent results--PMID 15992574, PMID 17561703; chief researcher A. Masuda. Here are quotes: "symptoms such as fatigue, pain, and low-grade fever were dramatically improved on two patients...On other 11 patients with CFS, physical symptoms such as fatigue and pain improved too." The earlier study on 2 patients used daily sessions for 35 days and then one or two a week; the sauna was set at 60 Centigrade with "postsauna warming", whatever that is.
I think I will have to buy a BioMat--expensive here in Canada. Full length, or Mini? The Mini (34 ins x 20) would cover the whole torso, and uses alternate rows of amethyst and tourmaline. Has anyone used the Mini? Any comments? Like Sushi and others, I find the idea of a foldable mat much more space friendly than a sauna, so this is the way I shall go. I slept well after the session, but since I also had a free session with an MSR2000 immediately afterwards, don't know which was responsible--will post on that in the electromagnetic thread. Best, Chris
My bio mat arrived today!

HI all,

My bio mat arrived today -- i purchased the professional size and i used it tonight for the first time-- I felt so good I think i actually fell asleep and didn't want to get off of it. The instructions say to go slow, though -- i eventually want to sleep on it. I paid full price, but got a $100 discount for being a health professional ( I am a psychotherapist, Reiki and Healing touch practitioner) and i bought if for myself for my 60th birthday!

Will let you know how it goes.

Oops forgot about size and portability

I purchased the professional size, and it is rather heavy. I suppose the smaller one would be fine.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque

It is hard to say about the size, price does make a difference. I have the full length professional size. The one comment I could make is that the company seems to have found that the amethyst is better than the tourmaline (read that somewhere!).

If you could find one that has been used for demos in health fairs or stores, you might get a discount. That is the arrangement I had with the store I listed below. I used to sleep on it every night at the lowest setting. Lately I have just been using it on mid-range to higher heat for sauna sessions.

The reason I stopped sleeping on it is that it is a bit hard and even with a cotton blanket covering it, it felt well, hard!

Best wishes,


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
thanks, Sushi!

Sushi, thanks for the info; I have made my decision--tomorrow I order a full-size (Professional) Biomat--they offered me a good discount, though I will have to pay some costs and taxes (I live in BC, Canada.) I was hoping to try sleeping--will see how that goes, but hear your note of warning. My one experience, that small Japanese study, and your and others satisfaction are enough for me. I shall also have a few more paid sessions ($1 per minute) on the MRS 2000, close cousin to the Bemer--the reports on that sound exciting. The store owner told me one story of the regrowth of an amputated finger--think I would want documentary evidence for that!
So much is happening now--the methylation programme seems to be helping, just began using more methylcobalamin under my upper lip as Freddd recommends, and was amazed at how much longer it lasted--will see how that works out. Maybe we will all beat this thing before the docs get a handle on it! Best wishes, Chris


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
BioMat questions....

Hi; got my BioMat (Professional size) at a good discount from the store for which Sushi gave the reference--many thanks, Sushi! Have begun using it, and made a few discoveries raising questions; have not yet raised the courage to go the whole way to sauna heat, but find that 30 mins at the highest level below that leaves me feeling tired (not bad, just tired) for a couple of hours or so-I guess it does put a load on the cardiovascular system? Tried doing that before going to sleep and felt buzzy and a bit wired most of the night--not a success.
Then tried 30 mins on the second lowest level before going to sleep--and that seemed to work. I am feeling better generally--but don't know how much is due to the BioMat, and how much to the increased Methylcobalamin absorption due to Freddd's brilliant discovery of the under the upper lip technique.
Does anyone have any experience or wise advice on how to maximize the BioMat input?
Best wishes, Chris


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Chris,

I found (and I was also told) to begin slowly with the Biomat, starting with short periods (maybe 15 min) on the lower settings. I did find that I reacted if I used it as much as half an hour at first. So I would suggest upping the time and the heat very slowly, and not to use it everyday, unless it is on the very lowest setting.

I now use mine every other day for about 50 minutes (that's when I feel I've had enough) and I use either the highest of the yellow settings or the lowest of the red. I have (as many of us do) ANS dysfunction and I don't handle heat very well.

I slept on mine at the lowest setting, for months. It was good. I just decided that the surface was too hard to be comfortable for all night use.

I still experiment with different heats and times, but it is necessary to get used to it. It is a powerful tool! It has helped me a great deal though.



Senior Member
Be extremely cautious about saunas if you don't detox well. I was trying a FIR sauna and had a bad experience of anxiety and chest pains as the toxins were coming out. I wasn't in it for more than a minute or two. The chest pains lasted off and on for a couple of years until I did chelation for mercury.

My suggestion would be to do other gentler methods of detox and make sure your detox pathways are open with the Methylation Protocol before you attempt a sauna. If you are sweating you also need to be drinking lots of water and replacing electrolytes/minerals. If you are low in minerals you need to build them up first for a month.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC

Hi, thanks to Sushi and Caledonia for what sounds like good advice--I will back off a bit and then slowly ramp up again--I will try that alternate day timing, though 20 mins at a low setting before turning over to go to sleep does seem to help and think I will keep that.

Tomorrow I will probably go to hear someone talk about the MSR 2000, the locally available cousin of the Bemer, and will report anything interesting I learn about that on the Bemer thread. Thanks again! Best, Chris
Hi Everyone,

New Member! I needed an infrared sauna that took up little space and was portable.

I want portable sauna too. It's simply because I don’t have enough budget and space for my house but it is a great investment for two reasons – it offers numerous healing properties and the fact that is portable means it is easy to take with you if you travel often or own more than one home for different seasons. A portable sauna takes very little time to heat up because of the small amount of space it needs to reach. Another great advantage of a portable home sauna is that there is an automatic shut-off feature for the heater that prevents overheating or dehydration.
