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Hygromycin A specifically targets Borrelia bacteria, may prevent chronic Lyme disease


Senior Member
United States, New Hampshire
From the article-

The potential for this new treatment to prevent chronic Lyme disease arises from Lewis’s previous work on how acute Lyme disease progresses to the chronic version.

When a patient is diagnosed with acute Lyme disease, doctors usually Widespread antibiotics.. For most patients, it can wipe out the bacteria that cause the disease. However, it does not necessarily rejuvenate the patient.

It may be because widespread antibiotics kill all kinds of bacteria, not just the ones that cause the disease.

Lyme disease is caused by a bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi that is bitten by a deer tick and invades the body, but all kinds of bacteria live in a well-balanced manner in the intestine, which is beneficial to our health. I know. If some of them are wiped out, it can be out of balance.

Patients with long-term symptoms of Lyme disease tend to have a Gut microbiota that is different from healthy patients, which Lewis discovered in a previous study. So he suspected that broad-spectrum antibiotics such as doxycycline and amoxicillin laid the foundation for prolonging the condition, often referred to as “chronic Lyme disease” or “post-treatment Lyme disease.”

On that premise, Lewis began looking for compounds that could specifically target the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes acute Lyme disease. And now his team has found just such a cure.

Promising compounds are actually hidden in clear visibility. Hygromycin A, an antibacterial agent found in soil, was first discovered in 1953. Scientists then rejected it as ineffective.


Senior Member
Chronic Lyme patients may need to try it to figure out if it helps.

the study author has a history of researching biofilms .
he is on record as saying he doesn't expect it will help chronic Lyme patients.

there is also a lot of crazy press coverage talking about sprinkling the countryside with animal baits laced with the chemical to apparently kill Lyme in wild animal populations

it was ludicrously poor journalism. no one, it seemed, did even the most basic of calculation to determine how much bait one would have to drop to cover even just the north American continent