Don't understand the question. You mean NHS in USA or Britain? So sorry if I seem clueless.
Is there a history to this issue to understand before answering this? Help me out....thanks!
@thanks JBB
i did a long post reply last night and it wouldnt post. I did it again and lost internet connection til now.
Sorry for not being clearer.
Yes its the NHS in Britain.
Not only is a diagnoses of CFS being given without proper testing, once getting a CFS diagnoses its then also practically impossible to get tests.
There is a new iniative by Jeremy Hunt to name Doctors and red flag em for missing Cancer.
I think this is a great idea.
This is a link to it:
My Mum was 'diagnosed' with cystitis, prolapsed womb, followed by its not a prolapsed womb over a period of six months , plus more and all those diagnoses were wrong until they said its too late its terminal bladder Cancer. They then knackered her kidneys with palliative chemotherapy, accidentally nearly killed her a few times, she had to have stents, and then deliberately killed her under the Liverpool Care Pathway scheme which is when they drug you to sleep and let you dehydrate and starve to death whilst still pumping you with drugs.
I see in my link someone else was mis-diagnosed with a prolapsed womb - it must be one of the answers on tge magic 8 ball they use.