Hot red face after dinner

Husband of

Senior Member
Hi everyone,

My wife has been getting a hot red face most nights after dinner in the last week or so.

It might just be fatigue induced with the need to digest being difficult at the end of the day when energy is already depleted.

But she has also recently started low dose naltrexone (LDN) so wondering if it could be related to that.

Anyone else get this?

I found a thread that I didn't think was quite the same as they mention no redness in the face but thought I'd link anyway


Senior Member
Hi this is what start happening to me around December when my weird symptoms went from being annoying but livable to highly disabling, I wouldn't worry too much though because it could be something entirely different, if your wife doesn't have chemical sensitivity and mold sensitivity especially. I've since found out that these reactions can be due to at least 2 things- histamine intolerance, and leaky gut. I used to actually get a visibly red face after eating or sometimes after going outside in the cold in winter then coming back in ( having done some physical exertion ), sometimes there was a delay or maybe an hour or 2, and I wouldn't even need to eat to see it happen.

Leaky gut can cause food allergies, in my case I can no longer eat chicken, and I avoid white fish. When those allergies started I would get a burning red face and neck, generally feel an immune sort of reaction throughout my body e.g. muscles, feel tense / rapid heartbeat etc, just uncomfortable and 'wrong' all over, which took about an hour or 2 to pass. On one occasion the food reactions even made me cough and I had to leave the house to get to clean air. This generally happened after I overdid it physically, though there could be a delay of 2 days before it manifested, especially with repeated exertion on successive days. Oh yeah also my muscles started to get inflammed and sensitive during these events. Now I avoid leaving the house and my new food allergies have stopped occurring when I do so.

MCAS was the first thing I researched when this change occurred, and I concluded I didn't have it, but recently i've been eating a lot of vegan dark chocolate and I realised I actually do have a degree of histamine intolerance. I'm 100% intolerant to small amounts of cows milk / dairy, whereas I was fine with it prior to december, but I can eat vegan chocolate. I'm actually ok with gluten but I avoid it as much as possible to be safe. Choco gives me a warm face feeling but no burning or visible redness, it also gives me a headache, which is easy to notice. These effects diminish if I take DAO enzyme pill products, the one I take also has quercetin and vit c included in it, though I already take Life Extension bio-quercetin every morning.


Senior Member
Hi this is what start happening to me around December when my weird symptoms went from being annoying but livable to highly disabling, I wouldn't worry too much though because it could be something entirely different, if your wife doesn't have chemical sensitivity and mold sensitivity especially. I've since found out that these reactions can be due to at least 2 things- histamine intolerance, and leaky gut. I used to actually get a visibly red face after eating or sometimes after going outside in the cold in winter then coming back in ( having done some physical exertion ), sometimes there was a delay or maybe an hour or 2, and I wouldn't even need to eat to see it happen.

Leaky gut can cause food allergies, in my case I can no longer eat chicken, and I avoid white fish. When those allergies started I would get a burning red face and neck, generally feel an immune sort of reaction throughout my body e.g. muscles, feel tense / rapid heartbeat etc, just uncomfortable and 'wrong' all over, which took about an hour or 2 to pass. On one occasion the food reactions even made me cough and I had to leave the house to get to clean air. This generally happened after I overdid it physically, though there could be a delay of 2 days before it manifested, especially with repeated exertion on successive days. Oh yeah also my muscles started to get inflammed and sensitive during these events. Now I avoid leaving the house and my new food allergies have stopped occurring when I do so.

MCAS was the first thing I researched when this change occurred, and I concluded I didn't have it, but recently i've been eating a lot of vegan dark chocolate and I realised I actually do have a degree of histamine intolerance. I'm 100% intolerant to small amounts of cows milk / dairy, whereas I was fine with it prior to december, but I can eat vegan chocolate. I'm actually ok with gluten but I avoid it as much as possible to be safe. Choco gives me a warm face feeling but no burning or visible redness, it also gives me a headache, which is easy to notice. These effects diminish if I take DAO enzyme pill products, the one I take also has quercetin and vit c included in it, though I already take Life Extension bio-quercetin every morning.
do you take zink? try zink-histidine complex. (careful, there is a zink-histidine complex and there are products which just have zink and histidine in one capsule. you need the zink bound to histidine - its the transport proteine of zink and increases bio availability)
the big factors for immune system are Vitamin D, Zink, Selen, Vitamin A (retinol), Vitamin C.


Senior Member
Yes been taking zinc picolinate for a couple of months now, one type comes by itself another one is part of something called 'pic mins' which I wanted for the molybdenum because I seemed to react slightly to Now Foods NAC with detox regulators. That was from my strategy a few months ago when I assumed mycotoxin poisoning was my problem, but i've been outside in my tent for months now and surely the mycotoxin levels would have gone down a lot ( mainstream science doesn't believe in mycotoxin storage from what I gather ).

I raised my vitamin D massively since back in January when I suspected I had MCAS ( also when I started taking quercetin ). Sadly not much i've done has many a difference though getting outside improved my brain function and seemed to start reversing the damage that had happened to my stomach motility, I was only going to the toilet once a week back in march, no idea how that happened as I was fine back in December / Jan. Doing an anti-candida protocol which had a bunch of herbs and things like wormwood fixed the remaining motility slowness, but I have no idea why as it doesn't seem to have cured my general illness.