I noticed on Johnson's website that at the top of the page she asks the question:
"Are you infected with XMRV, the third human retrovirus?"
I'm definitely no scientist, shoot, I can barely read lately...but I thought there were at least four confirmed retroviruses: HTLV1, HTLV2, HIV1 and HIV2.
Then of course, XMRV...and what about Defreitas' retrovirus, that Hillary reported on so extensively?
Wouldn't that make XMRV, the fifth...or the sixth?

"Are you infected with XMRV, the third human retrovirus?"
I'm definitely no scientist, shoot, I can barely read lately...but I thought there were at least four confirmed retroviruses: HTLV1, HTLV2, HIV1 and HIV2.
Then of course, XMRV...and what about Defreitas' retrovirus, that Hillary reported on so extensively?
Wouldn't that make XMRV, the fifth...or the sixth?