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High Inflammatory Markers

Anyone else with high inflamma markers such as:
Ferritin (not serum), ESR, CRP, liver enzymes?
My GP said that because the iron serum is normal,
there is no need to worry!!! Thus, not necessary
to do blood letting etc..

How can we bring this down naturally? Either with
diet or supplements?

Many thanks,



Senior Member
Virginia, USA
Anyone else with high inflamma markers such as:
Ferritin (not serum), ESR, CRP, liver enzymes?

Elevated liver enzymes? Go see a gastroenterologist. If I were in your shoes, I would ask to be tested for H. pylori infection and viral hepatitis.
My GP tested the stool, and Hepatitis A, B and C. I will ask for a viral hepatitis test,
which I never heard of. Thanks for this. As a side note, my liver is ultra sensitive, and
too date, I have been intolerant to sylmarin etc..


Senior Member

I have had high ESR and RF (no arthritis) for several years in the past and I am consistently ANA positve and ASMA positive but I do not have high liver enzymes. Doctors don't have any answers for me....

Are you on medication? Some medications can cause high liver enzymes and this needs to be taken seriously and addressed.

If not, I would ask your GP for a liver ultrasound anyway to make sure there is no actual liver damage.

Love Esperanza x


Senior Member
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Hi Quirky, interesting thread. I have long-term fatigue. For many years the only abnormal tests found were slightly elevated CRP, IgA & Alkaline Phosphatase. No evidence of Paget's Disease. Have also had low 25-hydroxyvitamin D at one stage. More recently I have had slightly elevated ALT, AST & Alkaline Phosphatase. Finally they did an abdominal ultrasound which showed Fatty Liver & coarse texture of liver with appearance of cirrhosis. A whole group of tests were then done to exclude causes of cirrhosis. All were negative, including SMA. Now I am wondering why they did not test for Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies (also known simply as Mitochondrial Antibodies) as this is another test for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_biliary_cirrhosis


Sigh...I will ask my GP if he will order this test along with my 3 month follow-up of Liver Function Tests that was recommended by my Gastroenterologist. If he refuses to order the test for Mitochondrial Antibodies I will go back to my Immunologist/Allergist/Physician (sigh...) and ask him to do it!!!!!!!
Hi Quirky, interesting thread. I have long-term fatigue. For many years the only abnormal tests found were slightly elevated CRP, IgA & Alkaline Phosphatase. No evidence of Paget's Disease. Have also had low 25-hydroxyvitamin D at one stage. More recently I have had slightly elevated ALT, AST & Alkaline Phosphatase. Finally they did an abdominal ultrasound which showed Fatty Liver & coarse texture of liver with appearance of cirrhosis. A whole group of tests were then done to exclude causes of cirrhosis. All were negative, including SMA. Now I am wondering why they did not test for Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies (also known simply as Mitochondrial Antibodies) as this is another test for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_biliary_cirrhosis


Sigh...I will ask my GP if he will order this test along with my 3 month follow-up of Liver Function Tests that was recommended by my Gastroenterologist. If he refuses to order the test for Mitochondrial Antibodies I will go back to my Immunologist/Allergist/Physician (sigh...) and ask him to do it!!!!!!!

Its worrying. My gums are bleeding, teeth loose, broken, a couple fell out with roots, signs of inflammation. I was alos low on D3,. Are you sure the scan showed fatty liver? I thought, it doesn't show on scans!! Small gallstones were found, which I will take care of, gently and slowly over a period of time.

I live in London, UK. My GP would not agree to an Anti-Mito Antibodies test, they usually do routine tests, nowadays. During the last consul, he told me my liver enzymes were down, when I requested the printed
results, they were UP. I saw another GP yesterday who suggests Hep C. If this is negative, she will refer me to a hepatologist.

BTW, my liver enzymes have been mostly up, for many years now, since an adverse reaction to two prescribed meds. I can't help thinking that previous thallium and galdolinium as well as barium contributed to my toxiciites, culminating in CFS... I refused all meds for about ten years now, along with meds. Each time I had local anesthetic, or invasive procedures, however minor, dental, or took meds, worsening of symptoms were obvious. I can't metabolize drugs, many compounds in many foods, solvents, and so forth.

Moving on to the liver, it could be toxic hepatitis, from all those xenobiotics..I wish I could detox gently either through juicing or something similar...I am reading Dr Wahl's book at the mo, might find some useful tips.
Hepatitis A, B and C is what I was referring as viral hepatitis so you are good. So, were you also tested for H. pylori infection?

Yes, I was testing H. pylori, it was negative. I don't attach much importance to diagnostic tests except
for some obvious. Most of them are non specific, or have high percentage of confounding results,
depends on interpretation, unreliable etc... It should be based primarily on symptoms, and tests as supportive
evidence, since, evidence-based medicine is a failure (according to articles I read on PubMed). I know that echocardiogram interpretation depends on the day, on the hour, the radiographer's interpretation etc.. I have them often since I have left ventricular, systolic and diastolic heart failure, sometimes, its normal, other times only shows LVF, and so forth. The symptoms are more severe than what the echo shows. I also found out, that sometimes, echos can be "normal" but the person suffers severe symptoms, or vice versa..

John Mac

Senior Member
Liverpool UK
I have high iron levels. Can't remember what specific scale was used but my reading was 720. The normal range was I think 50 - 330. I saw two specialists about it who ruled out the usual cause (Haemachromatosis, diet etc) and both said it can be an inflammation marker. The last one referred me to a Rheumatologist who could find no source of inflammation.
Which reminds, when Sophie Mirza died (CFS/ME) her routine tests were "normal", and other tests,
yet, upon an autopsy, there were clear inflammation showing in her spinal fluid. I can't remember what
else, but whatever if it was, it was only found upon the autopsy...

And yes, I am thinking of not bothering seeing more doctors, it ends up a treadmill of so called experts, leading to a maze with no exits!!

I read about immunology, and quickly reaclised, that even if I went along with a spinal, those tests are also non specific,
and that 50% of the time, or more, they can't detect infections. When they do find proteins, they can't interpret. It was the same with the neurologists. They did DNA tests, histoimmunological, etc.. and could not say what the abnomalities mean. They said there is glycation, but thats about it. Offered a muscle biopsy, I refused, because, upon reading about tests for mitochondrial diseases, the test is not accurate, may have to repeated several times, and even then, may not show anything.

If you have high iron level, which I have, there is inflamma, but whats causing it??? We don't know!!

I think in my case, its a mix, of whatever underlying pathology, and toxicites cummulative over the years, with galdoloinium thallium, local anesthetics and so forth.

There is improvement in the sense that my symptoms are not worsening since taking liquid trace minerals,
and daily bone broths. The importance of detoxing (gently) over time, is one step ahead, towards improvement, IMHO, that is if its do-able.

Going back to inflamma, we know there is damage to endothelial cells, we know there is oxidization, glycation, etc.. but, little in terms of reversal, although, some, such as Dr Bhuttar, promotes EDTA and so forth, if strong enough, which we are not. EDTA may rid of the problem temporarily, does not solve the inflamma process.

How are we to reverse the inflamma process? This could be what leads to our recovery, specially those of who are homebound/bedbound with hundreds of symptoms...


Senior Member
I know I am going to get 100 pies thrown at my face for proposing yet another solution to CFS...but as for the inflammation, I really think it is from a dominant sympathetic nervous system. Cheney has found 100% of CFS patients are in heart failure. In heart failure the patient's heart is in CONSTANT fight or flight drive. This may be why a lot of us tolerate stimulants and even thyroid hormone so poorly.

Personally my inflammatory condition would get so bad that I would feel like I had knives in my stomach, even after using antibiotics and probiotics and fasting. The solution was pretty far out.
I know I am going to get 100 pies thrown at my face for proposing yet another solution to CFS...but as for the inflammation, I really think it is from a dominant sympathetic nervous system. Cheney has found 100% of CFS patients are in heart failure. In heart failure the patient's heart is in CONSTANT fight or flight drive. This may be why a lot of us tolerate stimulants and even thyroid hormone so poorly.

Personally my inflammatory condition would get so bad that I would feel like I had knives in my stomach, even after using antibiotics and probiotics and fasting. The solution was pretty far out.

I haven't take any meds for about ten years now..will only do so in life and death situation,
taking some supps on and off depends on tolerance, and Ayurvedic compounds, also
depends on tolerance, prescribed by an Ayurvdic doc and MD. They work well, slowly,
gently, very effective, that is, if you can tolerate, which I can't for most. SIGH.
For those who are full of free radicals, do you get odd sensation, in the jaw, chest area, of prickling sensations, sometimes feels as if being injected with something...feel ill at the time, this happens if its hot, (feel very ill then) or if I am in the gentle morning sun, and other times, if more tired than usual?


Senior Member
Manchester UK
Quirky, I assume they have considered and eliminated Gilberts as a liver disease? I had Hep C, cleared with interferon, but still have high bilurubin, they did the tests relevant to Gilberts, said I didnt have it, but my ME doc still thinks it may be an issue. Either, many detoxification pathways go thru the liver, and it sounds like some of your are under-functioning. I have had liver biopsy's and liver scans, and found the scans suprisingly good at detecting pathology in the hands of the right person to interpret.
You might want to take a look at this thread:

Also, gum inflammation might be a sign of very low Q10 and/or ascorbic acid levels.
Thanks for the link. Absolutely spot on about dental issues. i am not able to tolerate local anesthetics, so this will have to wait. True about Vit C and Q10, am low on both. I can't take Vit C, because I need to get rid of high ferritin level, which is stroring in organs. I will take seabuckthorn which is very high in Vit C content, later on. There is a French doctor who has been speaking about dental and health issues for many years now, and I am glad to see that t long last some US dentists are exposing the truth about amalgams (not just mercury) and other dental issues.