Helpful Android phone apps for symptom tracking, health history, etc.


Senior Member
I am an Android phone user and was using a number of health tracking apps. I tire easily with handwriting, so I prefer to use my smartphone for data entry.

I have tried Manage My Pain. It sorta got me there but didn't have the flexibility I wanted in entering my symptoms.

So, I switch to Memento DB because some enterprising person created and shared his CFS tracker database. If you are familiar with spreadsheets, Memento DB is easy to use and customize. Here is the article where I found it: )

I also share my version in Memento DB, so someone else can use it. I tried to incorporate manual entry of stats from my activity tracker, my medications and different weights for my symptoms. For example, fatigue and disordered sleep are my typical symptoms but when I have PEM, muscle aches and neuropathy are the worst.

It was tedious doing manual data entry, though it is really helpful to have a search function in Memento DB. For example, I could easily tell when certain side effects started. Also, with sync to Google Sheets, the data from Memento DB allowed me to graph my percentage total symptom score vs my activity level (feet flat on floor).

Eventually, someone here on PR mentioned usimg the Bearable app. So, I decided to try it.

Wow, Bearable seems to have all I was looking for! The only thing missing is the ability to pull in data from other activity trackers like Whoop. It would be nice if the app developers collaborate with HabitDash, which has a lovely interace with many fitness and health tracking systems.

Here is a screenshot of HabitDash charts. It puts my Garmin and Whoop data side by side.

Here is a screenshot of Bearable chart. It show that I have less symptom complaints and have more acitivy when I have multiple prior days of sleep 9-12 hours long!


Senior Member
I do want to add that Bearable works with HealthSync, a very inexpensive app that consolidates Garmin Connect (and some other health app data) into my Google Fit. My Google Fit data then feeds into Bearable automatically.

I use Omron for my BP but I stopped it synchronizing automatically with Google Fit because the BP device is not for my dedicated use. By the time I erase another person's reading in the Omron app, the data had already been sent to Google Fit which does not let me erase it.

Now, if Bearable has an AI-based way of helping to interpret my Insight charts, that would be great. Right now, I still have to do this myself.


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
I use an Oura ring and companion Android app to track leep, heart rate, HRV, body temperature, and activity. It's been very useful over time to share data with my doctors

The free version of the Cronometer app has been helpful in experimenting with diet.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
Do any of these let a user put in names of supps taken and symptoms following? Like in one word descriptions and saving previous words so they can just be selected again rather than retyped the next time?

Like someone else said I'm really bad at writing these things down. :(