Has anybody read "Defy Gravity" by Caroline Myss?


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
I want to see if anyone else on here has read this book. I read it and it made a big impression on me. I feel like it has been really helpful.

It's very different from Caroline's earlier books. She keeps evolving. The thing I like about her is that every time she figures out something new about healing, she writes a book to share it. The thing I like less about her is her use of new-agey jargon. (although she's doing less of it in this book)

It's not an easy read. I had to read passages over and over in order to understand them, and I'm still re-reading it and getting more out of it.

She's gone full-on spiritual in this book. Her prayers are simply amazing. She knows what I need to pray for better than I do.

I have often felt an effect from saying the prayers in the book. I have felt physically better for hours afterwards. So I'm continuing to pray them!

It would be fun to compare thoughts about this book, if anyone wants to.
New Jersey, U.S.
You have me intrigued. I may check this out. I've avoided Myss cuz I thought she was one of those "Illness comes from your negative thoughts" authors ... ;) The prayers sound worthwhile, for sure. Anything else you feel like sharing? I'm all ears ...


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Hi Emmanuelle,

I'm so glad to talk to you about this book!
Yes, I remember being kind of annoyed with Caroline in her early days, when she was diagnosing people intuitively. She has really evolved since then.

She wrote a book called "Entering the Castle" which was about spirituality. It has a broad perspective -- it's not just for Christian people, although since Caroline comes from a Catholic background she uses resources from that tradition. While she was touring the country giving workshops based on this book, she started to hear that some of her audience members who were ill were experiencing spontaneous healings during or after the workshops. Yikes. Can you imagine?

So she investigated the phenomenon and "Defy Gravity" was the result. It has been really helpful to me and continues to be.

Now I'm reading "Entering the Castle" and it is blowing my mind. I think maybe I should have read it first. But in whatever order, these books have been great.

I picked up "Defy Gravity" at a time when I was really at a low point. I went to a book store in search of whatever Caroline's latest book was. I had a gut feeling that she might be one author who would understand or address my situation. I started reading it and began crying right there in the Barnes & Noble, because it felt like it was aimed directly at me.

One thing Carloine is really good at is explaining complicated things in a way that I can understand. Or at least, eventually understand. Sometimes it takes me a while with my impaired brain.

If you pick it up, I'd love to know what you think!