I've tried loads of treatments/therapies over the years, and all of them, with the exception of acupuncture, have either not helped, or only helped a tiny bit then stopped working.
Acupuncture, however, has helped me loads. Ever since I started going I have been gradually, but consistently improving.
It's helped with nearly all of my symptoms, including non pain related ones like nausea, feeling wired/agitated, insomnia, fatigue, etc.
In fact the only symptoms that haven't been helped are my sensitivities (my main one being noise) and my delayed sleep pattern.
I've been going a long time though. I did notice an improvement right from the first session, but improvements have been slow, but then I was very very sick when I first went, and had been sick for a long time.
I would definitely recommend it. In fact, nearly everyone I have come across who have tried acupuncture has talked well of it, no matter what condition they were suffering from.
You have to find a good acupuncturist though. They do vary - I went to one once who wasn't very good. And make sure they are properly trained. In Britain it's best to go to someone who belongs to The British Acupuncture Council, as they are all properly trained. However, I don't know what regulatory bodies to look for in other countries.