hard, sore glands for 10 months.


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Hi, I know this has been covered before and i have rea the other posts, but am still wondering about what is causing this symptom.

Approx half an inch behind and down from my ear i have really hard, sore lumps, plus one on the back of my head where it joins my neck. I presume these are swollem glands. However when i asked my doctor he felt roughly along my jaw line and said there was no problem. When i tried to explain where they were he replied that hes not bothered about those sort of glands.
I dont know what he means by this. Even though they fluctuate a little up and down throughout the day - being worse in the morning and evening, they have remained solid for over ten months now.

I have always presumed that swollen glands (if thats what they are) are a sign of the immune system trying to fight something, however, my white blood cel count is now down and i am in a phase of not catching things, after 2 year of catching everything going.

I suppose my question is if anyone knows what is causing this, so i can try and address it.


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Hi, I hope i am just being a bit paranoid here, but its disapointing not to get a single reply. I sincerely hope i havent offended anyone on this site, but i often dont seem to get much feedback when i post.
Probably just being overly sensitive, but you know its hard enough having M.E and being extremely isolated.


Fine, thank you
Hi Justy - I'm sorry you haven't had a reply - I read your post but didn't recognise your symptoms so didn't have anything useful to say. I think that's probably why you've had no other replies.

Here is the result of some minor googling on "glands back of neck". You might want to do a bit of websearching and see if you can find some more stuff. I wouldn't get too anxious if some of it looks scarey (it's the nature of doing this stuff on your own that the most frightening possible interpretations stand out) but perhaps you could find some info to use to go back to your doctor and say, look, I've read this stuff and I'm worried that it might be x, y or z, can I have some further tests?

And if he says he's not bothered by these glands again, I'd ask him specifically why not and if you are still worried, say so. I know it can be hard to do this with some GPs with all the time pressure but if you're worried, you're entitled to have those worries either put to rest with an explanation from your doctor, or to have further testing if necessary.

Good luck!