Gut Bacteria Offer New Hope for People with Celiac Disease


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Gut Bacteria Offer New Hope for People with Celiac Disease

Probiotics and/or prebiotics may help alleviate the severity of celiac disease. According to a new research study, intestinal bacteria in celiac patients could influence inflammation to varying degrees.

This means that altering intestinal microbiota could improve the quality of life for celiac patients, and also patients with diseases such as type 1 diabetes and other autoimmune disorders.

According to Eurekalert:

To simulate the intestinal environment of celiac disease, cell cultures were exposed to Gram-negative bacteria isolated from celiac patients and bifidobacteria ... bifidobacteria up-regulated the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

J Leukoc Biol. 2010 May;87(5):765-78. Epub 2009 Dec 10.

Pivotal Advance: Bifidobacteria and Gram-negative bacteria differentially influence immune responses in the proinflammatory milieu of celiac disease.
De Palma G, Cinova J, Stepankova R, Tuckova L, Sanz Y.

Microbial Ecology and Nutrition Group, Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA), National Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Valencia, Spain.

J Leukoc Biol. 2010 May;87(5):749-51.

CD is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the small intestine that presents in genetically predisposed individuals following gluten consumption. In this study, the effects of Bifidobacterium (Bifidobacterium bifidum IATA-ES2 and Bifidobacterium longum ATCC15707) and Gram-negative bacteria (Bacteroides fragilis DSM2451, Escherichia coli CBL2, and Shigella CBD8 isolated from CD patients), alone and in the presence of CD triggers (gliadins and/or IFN-gamma) on surface marker expression and cytokine production by PBMCs, were determined. These effects were also evaluated in cocultures of PBMCs and Caco-2 cells. The Gram-negative bacteria induced higher secretion of Th1-type proinflammatory cytokines (IL-12 and/or IFN-gamma) than the Bifidobacterium strains. Shigella CBD8 and E. coli CBL2 up-regulated mainly HLA-DR and CD40 expression involved in Th1 activation, and Bifidobacterium strains up-regulated CD83 expression. Specific interactions among the studied bacteria, gliadins, and IFN-gamma, which favored the CD immune features, were also detected. Therefore, intestinal bacteria could be additional factors that regulate the ability of monocytes recruited to the mucosa to respond to gliadins and IFN-gamma in CD patients, influencing the course of the disease.

PMID: 20007908 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Senior Member
“To simulate the intestinal environment of celiac disease, cell cultures were exposed to Gram-negative bacteria isolated from celiac patients and bifidobacteria ... bifidobacteria up-regulated the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines.”

Thanks for posting this. I've been GF and taking probiotics since 2005 and although probiotics have helped calm my digestive tract on many occassions, I really can't say that they've done any more for my inflammation that removing all of my known food intolerances. In fact, keeping pork and possibly tomatoes out of my diet seems to keep my fibro pain at bay. And I love bacon and sun dried tomatoes ...

It's great that they are looking at how bacteria affect us though ... X