Google statistics on XMRV

I found that interesting: how many times was the term XMRV quoted on websites from a specific country during the last month.

US 397
UK 137
NED 91
SPA 90
NOR 77
GER 64
FRA 53
JAP 51
CAN 27
SWE 27
CH 14
POL 13
AUS 11
DEN 10

And here is that figure relative to the population

NOR 77 17,11
NED 91 5,35
SWE 27 3,00
UK 137 2,28
SPA 90 2,00
DEN 10 2,00
CH 14 1,87
US 397 1,32
FRA 53 0,88
GER 64 0,78
CAN 27 0,77
AUS 11 0,50
JAP 51 0,39
POL 13 0,33


waitin' fer rabbits
South Texas
YEEEEEHHHHAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, Notice the top trend in the US of A is coming out of Richardson, Texas home of UTD (nope, not a sexually transmitted disease, Big grins) That would be the University of Texas at Dallas. So maybe Texas isn't drier than a ummm, er,,, well maybe we do have a bit of research going on.

hummmm, now who do I know up there that I can call. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .