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Ladies and gentlemen. The other day i read a article by a swedish researcher that studied ME for six years and he is convinced that its due to glycocalyx damage. The interesting thing is that the supplements mentioned in this article are supplements that users in this forum used as PEM busters, like corticosteroids etc. Tell me what you think



Senior Member
would partially explain the benefit of AAKG...related to the production of nitric oxide 🙂🤔


Senior Member
The article looks like a typical over-hyped misinterpretation of actual science. It's certainly possible that ME's core dysfunction involves the glycocalyx, but I expect that there's zero evidence at present to support that hypothesis. There's certainly no evidence to support treatments based on that hypothesis. Without further information about what the glycocalyx's malfunctioning mechanism is, it's not much more useful than claiming that "ME is caused by molecules!!!".


Senior Member
Ladies and gentlemen. The other day i read a article by a swedish researcher that studied ME for six years and he is convinced that its due to glycocalyx damage. The interesting thing is that the supplements mentioned in this article are supplements that users in this forum used as PEM busters, like corticosteroids etc. Tell me what you think

These things are vaguely interesting, but not much more. The suggestions seem to be stuff like low carbohydrate anti-inflammatory diet. Most of us have tried 100 versions of that. I've done everything from carnivore to traditional AIP to keto to vegetarian to vegan. And the PEM buster supplements here are mostly stuff that mildly reduces PEM. If it eliminated PEM, it would be close to a cure.

Until we have definitive testing or even better reliable treatments, then all these things are just hypotheses. With this one, it doesn't seem to explain why someone who practices meditation and eats an almost perfect diet should be sick, yet many people here are like that.


Senior Member
Hapl808 has it right: with any such hypotheses that claim some sort of treatment, you have to consider how many of us have already tried that treatment without finding any change in our ME.

I recently posed a link to a paper about astroglial metabolism. It shows just how complex astroglial metabolism is--converting different fuels into ATP or other fuels for neurons, influenced by many factors--and just how much of an effect this has on the rest of the brain. There seemed to be lots of ways that a subtle dysfunction could result in ME symptoms. That paper didn't suggest any simple ways of affecting that. Furthermore, glial cells are harder to study and harder to influence (the BBB blocks many chemicals). Studying and affecting cell membranes outside the brain would be much easier.

It's definitely not a case of "Cut sugar from your diet and your ME will go away." Too bad.