Glutathione infusions...has anyone had success?


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
My Dr. wants to give me glutathione infusions. I have taken MA Xgxl glutathione co -factors but made no inroads. Can you buy the infusions in the USA and how expensive are they. I believe some are being made in Malaysia and Vietnam and you have to be wary of them. The one from Italy is better.


Senior Member
marin co, ca
i am trying nebulizing and seemingly having no reactions. can' t afford testing. also i am trying suppositories. just shoving the capsules in there. i am assuming you are testing. curious about how you do with this.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
I had a set back from Max liver could not take the extra work when it should have got good help from the stuff. When I had the Metametrix test done, they said I was making GSH but destroying it. I am on a new path with yet again a new naturopath and she wants me to have the infusions after she alkalizes my body....maybe still a waste of time.

The Dr that ordered the tests said that our genetic defect wont alllow the body to use the GSH that we make ourselves until we fix or go around the genetic abnormality with certain supplements. B12 etc. ....these make me sick too so trying homeopathy now.


Senior Member
I had a set back from Max liver could not take the extra work when it should have got good help from the stuff. When I had the Metametrix test done, they said I was making GSH but destroying it. I am on a new path with yet again a new naturopath and she wants me to have the infusions after she alkalizes my body....maybe still a waste of time.

The Dr that ordered the tests said that our genetic defect wont alllow the body to use the GSH that we make ourselves until we fix or go around the genetic abnormality with certain supplements. B12 etc. ....these make me sick too so trying homeopathy now.

Hi, Susan.

You may need to lift a methyation cycle block in order to get your glutathione to stay up. Perhaps that's what you were trying to do with the "B12 etc." The Simplifiied Treatment Approach I've proposed does include a form of B12, as well as some forms of folate and other things. This treatment does usually make people feel somewhat worse initially, because of the additional mobilization of toxins, but in the long run, it pays off for most who try it. You can read more about it at by clicking on CFS/M.E. and then on my name. The treatment study there shows that lifting the methylation cycle block brings glutathione up automatically. The article from July 2007 describes the detox symptoms people have reported on this treatment. The current protocol is the last item on the list there.

Best regards,
