Genova DetoxiGenomic & MTHFR results:
Genova ImmunoGenomic results:
Selected 23andMe results (converted to Yasko using - Calico13's spreadsheet):
Yasko Methylation results:
Phase 1 Detox - Cytochrome P450
CYP1B1 (up-regulator polymorophsim):
Description - 2 SNPs were measured for this Gene. Specific variants are L432V +/- and N453S negative. This gene is responsible for 4-hydroxylation of estrogen as well as detox of common environmental toxins.
Treatment - Currently supplementing with DIM to support the production of good estrogen.
Substrates: Caffeine, Estradiol, Estrone (4-hydroxylation), Resveratrol, Testosterone
This means I metabolize Caffeine quicker. Also not to happy about metabolizing Testosterone faster. Grapefruit juice is an inhibitor of this enzyme....maybe drink more of this?
CYP2C9 (down-regulator polymorphism):
Description - This enzyme helps with the metabolism of certain pharmecutical drugs.....none of which I take anyways.
Treatment - Avoid:
Substrate - Ibuprofen (becomes more potent due to slower metabolization)
Inhibitors - Echinacea, Garlic, Kava kava, Milk thistle, Saw Palmetto, St.John's wort
Gene SNP Analysis of note via Promethease, 23andMe & OpenSNP
Key beneficial genetic traits
rs8177374(T;T) - A beneficial mutation which provides resistance to several diseases such as invasive pneumococcal disease, bacteremia, malaria, and tuberculosis.
COMT +/+ V158M (rs4680(A;A)) - advantage in memory and attention tasks (worrier strategy) Little or no response to modafinil. You are more difficult to hypnotise.
rs53576(G;G) - optimistic and empathetic. The one in four subjects who inherited a variation in this allele called G/G were significantly better at accurately reading the emotions of others by observing their faces than were the remaining three-quarters of subjects. 10 journal articles explore this Oxytocin Receptor encoding Gene. The empathy gene!
rs10784502(C;C) - (C;C) has higher cranial capacity and over 2% higher IQ.
gs150 - Most likely CYP2C19 normal, i.e. CYP2C19*1, and therefore of the 'rapid metabolizer' phenotype. This is based on none of the 11 CYP2C19 variants on the 23andMe v2 chip (out of 19 reported in SNPedia; most are quite rare) being observed.
gs154 - You appear to be a CYP3A5 expressor. This is normal.
gs158 - CYP1A2 normal metabolizer
rs2187668(C;C) - 0.48x average of getting Celiac Disease. (less chance of having issues with gluten) In reference to the HLA-DQA1 protein.
rs2180439(C;C) - reduced risk of baldness
rs1042725(C;C) - ~0.8cm taller
gs182 - CYP2D6*39 normal metabolism
rs25531(G;G) - long form of 5-HTTLPR Seratonin transporter also called the SERT gene. Most efficient form. less sensitive to pain; happier. Significantly reduced risk of depression. Great article in the Atlantic referring to research on this gene. The Science of Success
MCM6 gene (A;G) - Likely to be tolerant due to lactase persistence.Higher adult lactase enzyme levels. (May still be lactose intolerant for other reasons.)
rs1815739(C;T) - One working copy of alpha-actinin-3 (ACTN3 gene) in fast-twitch muscle fiber. Better athletic muscle power performance such as in weightlifting or sprinting. Superior burst strength.
rs2542052(C;C) - Higher odds of living to 100.
rs1800497(G;G) - Learns quicker from mistakes. (source)
rs1861046(G;G) - Conduct disorder (CD) gene. I consider this a benefit! hahaha
Key Not-so beneficial Genetic Traits
rs1021737(T;T) +/+ - Homozygotes for this variant allele in the CTH gene had significantly higher plasma homocysteine levels than other genotypes in a cohort of 496 Caucasian individuals. (Hyperhomocysteinemia)
rs5186(C;C) - 7.3x increased risk of Hypertension
rs17070145(C;C) - reduced memory abilities
gs157 - You appear to have a common genotype in the gene CYP1A2 which metabolizes coffee more slowly than some other forms. The same amount of caffeine will tend to have more stimulating effect on slow metabolizers than on fast metabolizers.
gs161 - CYP2C9 intermediate metabolizers are 30% of the population. May require slightly different dosages for drugs such as tamoxifen, warfarin, fluvastin, and many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.
rs762551(A;C) - carrier of one CYP1A2*1F allele; slow metabolizer more strongly affected by drinking coffee
rs4654748(C;T) - 1.45 ng/mL lower Vitamin B6 blood concentration
rs2282679(A;C) - somewhat lower vitamin D levels
rs12934922(A;T) - Reduced conversion of beta-carotene to retinol Associated with Rs7501331 and reduced BCMO1, lower ability to convert beta-carotene to retinyl esters and higher serum beta-carotene levels.
rs7501331(C;T) - Reduced conversion of beta-carotene to retinol Reduced BCMO1 activity results in 32% lower ability to convert Beta-carotene to retinyl esters and higher serum beta-carotene levels.

Genova ImmunoGenomic results:

Selected 23andMe results (converted to Yasko using - Calico13's spreadsheet):

Yasko Methylation results:

Phase 1 Detox - Cytochrome P450
CYP1B1 (up-regulator polymorophsim):
Description - 2 SNPs were measured for this Gene. Specific variants are L432V +/- and N453S negative. This gene is responsible for 4-hydroxylation of estrogen as well as detox of common environmental toxins.
Treatment - Currently supplementing with DIM to support the production of good estrogen.
Substrates: Caffeine, Estradiol, Estrone (4-hydroxylation), Resveratrol, Testosterone
This means I metabolize Caffeine quicker. Also not to happy about metabolizing Testosterone faster. Grapefruit juice is an inhibitor of this enzyme....maybe drink more of this?
CYP2C9 (down-regulator polymorphism):
Description - This enzyme helps with the metabolism of certain pharmecutical drugs.....none of which I take anyways.
Treatment - Avoid:
Substrate - Ibuprofen (becomes more potent due to slower metabolization)
Inhibitors - Echinacea, Garlic, Kava kava, Milk thistle, Saw Palmetto, St.John's wort
Gene SNP Analysis of note via Promethease, 23andMe & OpenSNP
Key beneficial genetic traits
rs8177374(T;T) - A beneficial mutation which provides resistance to several diseases such as invasive pneumococcal disease, bacteremia, malaria, and tuberculosis.
COMT +/+ V158M (rs4680(A;A)) - advantage in memory and attention tasks (worrier strategy) Little or no response to modafinil. You are more difficult to hypnotise.
rs53576(G;G) - optimistic and empathetic. The one in four subjects who inherited a variation in this allele called G/G were significantly better at accurately reading the emotions of others by observing their faces than were the remaining three-quarters of subjects. 10 journal articles explore this Oxytocin Receptor encoding Gene. The empathy gene!
rs10784502(C;C) - (C;C) has higher cranial capacity and over 2% higher IQ.
gs150 - Most likely CYP2C19 normal, i.e. CYP2C19*1, and therefore of the 'rapid metabolizer' phenotype. This is based on none of the 11 CYP2C19 variants on the 23andMe v2 chip (out of 19 reported in SNPedia; most are quite rare) being observed.
gs154 - You appear to be a CYP3A5 expressor. This is normal.
gs158 - CYP1A2 normal metabolizer
rs2187668(C;C) - 0.48x average of getting Celiac Disease. (less chance of having issues with gluten) In reference to the HLA-DQA1 protein.
rs2180439(C;C) - reduced risk of baldness
rs1042725(C;C) - ~0.8cm taller
gs182 - CYP2D6*39 normal metabolism
rs25531(G;G) - long form of 5-HTTLPR Seratonin transporter also called the SERT gene. Most efficient form. less sensitive to pain; happier. Significantly reduced risk of depression. Great article in the Atlantic referring to research on this gene. The Science of Success
MCM6 gene (A;G) - Likely to be tolerant due to lactase persistence.Higher adult lactase enzyme levels. (May still be lactose intolerant for other reasons.)
rs1815739(C;T) - One working copy of alpha-actinin-3 (ACTN3 gene) in fast-twitch muscle fiber. Better athletic muscle power performance such as in weightlifting or sprinting. Superior burst strength.
rs2542052(C;C) - Higher odds of living to 100.
rs1800497(G;G) - Learns quicker from mistakes. (source)
rs1861046(G;G) - Conduct disorder (CD) gene. I consider this a benefit! hahaha
Key Not-so beneficial Genetic Traits
rs1021737(T;T) +/+ - Homozygotes for this variant allele in the CTH gene had significantly higher plasma homocysteine levels than other genotypes in a cohort of 496 Caucasian individuals. (Hyperhomocysteinemia)
rs5186(C;C) - 7.3x increased risk of Hypertension
rs17070145(C;C) - reduced memory abilities
gs157 - You appear to have a common genotype in the gene CYP1A2 which metabolizes coffee more slowly than some other forms. The same amount of caffeine will tend to have more stimulating effect on slow metabolizers than on fast metabolizers.
gs161 - CYP2C9 intermediate metabolizers are 30% of the population. May require slightly different dosages for drugs such as tamoxifen, warfarin, fluvastin, and many nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.
rs762551(A;C) - carrier of one CYP1A2*1F allele; slow metabolizer more strongly affected by drinking coffee
rs4654748(C;T) - 1.45 ng/mL lower Vitamin B6 blood concentration
rs2282679(A;C) - somewhat lower vitamin D levels
rs12934922(A;T) - Reduced conversion of beta-carotene to retinol Associated with Rs7501331 and reduced BCMO1, lower ability to convert beta-carotene to retinyl esters and higher serum beta-carotene levels.
rs7501331(C;T) - Reduced conversion of beta-carotene to retinol Reduced BCMO1 activity results in 32% lower ability to convert Beta-carotene to retinyl esters and higher serum beta-carotene levels.